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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Musk disagrees with you, he is keeping.. Oops.. I mean implementing a "new" feature to shadow ban users
  2. I never said he said that.... I said SHE (the person who posted the Twitter files part 2) implied he was shadow banned for his 2020 criticisms of school lockdowns. Schools were locked down in 2020 doofus. Schools in America came off lockdown for the 2021 Term.
  3. The guy who was critical of the lockdowns that she claimed his impressions were reduced kn 2020? Lock downs were in 2020, the screen shots in Twitter files part 2 showed that his impressions were reduced in late 2021. Funny how she didn't post why it was reduced in 2021 but tried to imply it was reduced in 2020 but didn't realize the screen shot had a date of the modding in late 2021 Another nothing burger 🍔
  4. Twitter followed their TOS. Spam, hate speech or abusive behavior etc will get less reach on Twitter. Fast Forward to the present, Mr free speech himself... Has implemented a "NEW" policy of reducing reach of hate speech and abusive behavior. For the slow ones, that's the same thing as what the Twitter files part 2 showed. That Twitter has been doing all along. Musk - "Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach, negative speech will get less reach"
  5. Didn't that just came out? About to download it right now.
  6. PlayStation 5 was November's best-selling hardware platform in both unit and dollar sales, while Nintendo Switch ranked 2nd across both measures. PlayStation 5 remains the best-selling hardware platform of 2022 in year-to-date dollar sales, while Nintendo Switch leads in units."
  7. When the story broke about Trump stealing the classified documents you were defending him by trying to debunk the story What corrupt acts has Joe Biden done? What did Joe Biden sell?
  8. CTR went to trash after one game... When you have no originality or creativity you get a one hit wonder. The vanilla Ice of Kart racing games
  9. The race isn't over after first lap... CTR won the first lap... But since then Kart was lapped CTR and won the race
  10. CTR franchise like crash is a pale imitation.. One good game in a entire garbage franchise
  11. Damn near almost 30 years ago and Crash team has been trash since then
  12. It's critically acclaimed, a huge commercial success and it just won the best Multiplayer game..... D trifecta of greatness right there
  13. Stop projecting, you're the one triggered by a face mask that you felt the need to post that in a games awards thread Enjoy the reveals and stop being a bitch.
  14. The last game show and reveals this year for the games next year and he expects trash...... Lemmings are traumatized
  15. I said Right wing shows... Tucker wasn't the only right wing show he went on chump and as I said he got invited to those shows AFTER the death con 5 comments Nice try though.
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