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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. He wasn't invited on right wing shows until he went death con 5 though Who's claiming he was tricked? His views just line up with that segment of the population.
  2. That Kyrie Irving, you're confusing your black guys. Kanye is the one who said he will go Death con 5 on the Jews and spoke about his love for Hitler.
  3. The deal hasn't closed... Phil can't make that call. This is just a ploy to try to get the deal approved.
  4. Happened a few days ago. So that's a 3rd organization of his that was riddled with fraud. Trump University shut down after settling a $25M fraud lawsuit. The Trump Foundation was shut down after a “pattern of illegality.” Now, the Trump Organization is found guilty of fraud. Strange that our resident hold the powerful accountable himself @Cooke doesn't care about this.... Weird.
  5. And its confirmed.... Thank you President Biden @Ramza bbbbut Goukosan all you care is about legislation getting passed, you should only care about empty talking points like me
  6. Man Fox News is pissed at another loss... Cry more bitches
  7. So are you still pretending you're just innocently posting this? Or you gave up the ruse?
  8. They literally invited him after he said he is going death con 5 on the Jews. They asked him to speak on it and elaborate and he doubled down on his antisemitism. After the interview Tucker said Kanye isn't insane, he's just speaking the truth. He just took it up a notch after each right wing interview. Not my fault you are always uninformed and clueless to what you speak of
  9. Kanye didn't just start spouting that type of rhetoric.... They invited him because of his anti-jew stance.
  10. Unfortunately for you that's not what the files showed Wait let me guess, you did not actually look into what you're talking about as per usual
  11. Hershel walker lost... Lmfao Democrats extended their majority . SW resident virgin "Bbbbbut no one cared about Abortion rights"
  12. You think he is sick in the head for spewing far right talking points that can be heard on Tucker Carlson, the GOP national convention etc? That's interesting.
  13. Musk pointed everyone to that thread and added commentary about government 1st amendment censorship and Twitter being biased and suppressing the Hunter Biden story. So because it bombed you're Still playing dumb as to why you posted the "Twitter files"... Lmfao. Just checked.. Musk removed his tweets about the government suppressing free speech and about the hunter story being "handled" after people pointed out that it was dick pics that were removed and that Joe Biden wasn't in government in 2020 It's like almost daily Musk has to delete Misinformed tw
  14. The Twitter thread you posted did... Lol Did you read Musk's thread that you linked you ignorant cunt? Of course you didn't... You never read past a headline... Fucking dumbass No response about the REAL scenario with Ivanka and Jared?.... You only want to focus on hypotheticals? Lol
  15. You know for a fact those guys are neck beard hermits and lemmings
  16. They're redneck Americans, so that's the average Xbox or PC fan
  17. So it's the music industry that's causing him to spout far right talking points.... Interesting.. Lmfao.
  18. But the Twitter files don't show the story being silenced. It shows them removing nude photos. As far as Don Jr... That's a hypothetical made up scenario. What's with you and these hypothetical scenarios that never happened that you want people to react to.. Lol Here's a real one, they probably would have reacted the same way as they did when Ivanka and Jared took 2 billion in Saudi money and over a billion in Chinese money while working for the US government, selling their father's/fathers in law name and influence to line their pockets. It's interesting
  19. Cooke stop playing dumb, you're not fooling anyone. The Twitter files was to show That the leftist government pressured Twitter to silence the Hunter story and infringe on people's first amendment rights. Unfortunately... It backfired as the information that they asked to be removed were nude photos and Biden wasn't president Oct 2020. unfortunately Trump's government was on power then and also asked Twitter to remove tweets... Which they did.... Yet somehow the you don't about the government asking Twitter to silence its citizens.
  20. Sure sure, the Hunter Biden laptop thing that you been going on about for more than 2 years.... You somehow just innocently posted Musk's thread about the exact same thing that was supposed to expose the scandal...yet your lost about it wasn't about that supposed scandal? Right right.
  21. Such a sore loser 2 years later and he is still crying about his election loss. He is the biggest snowflake out there.. Bar none.
  22. MS starved lemmings for a full year and now that they plan to release a few games in 2023 they raised the price. Brutal
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