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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You know what's hilarious... All the companies that stopped advertising and won't comeback. Twitter is being overrun by bots, spam and troll accounts. Apple just left and Elon is crying up a storm about it
  2. More lies and zero quotes of me denying the NVIDIA leak in every Nvidia thread as your lying as claimed.... Lying J the liar 🤥 Pull up one of the zillion Nvidia remi-go and Jerry-go thread you and him had.... Im sure you can find the stuff you claimed that I said... Get to it chump.
  3. It's like you're proving my point for me, you have zero idea when this consideration would bear fruit.... That was enough for you to prematurely bust a nut ...... Which is why I laughed at your desperate ass So just like I thought you have ZERO proof of me arguing against the Nvidia leak in every Nvidia thread like you lying ass claimed
  4. The rumor is that Microsoft also didn't release any first party ganes for this entire calendar year for that same reason
  5. Meanwhile... Both Sony and Nintendo broke their first party sales records. Nintendo and Sony can't wait to adopt the day 1 gamepass model... Any day now
  6. No, im laughing at you getting prematurely hyped for the consideration of it.. The port could be next year, next two years, next 3 years or next gen... Doesn't matter to LemiJ.. Get hyped from now, simply for a consideration ........ Not once did I say PC won't get late PS5 ports..... So once again.... Post the proof of me arguing against the NVIDIA leak that it wasnt real or legit, it should be easy to do since I do it "everytime" right?
  7. All that talking and still zero proof. Post the proof of me arguing against the NVIDIA leak that it wasn't real or legit, it should be easy to do since I do it "everytime" right? Get to it...Chop chop
  8. You're always searching for silly arguments to Remi-go-round about. Try that nonsense with Jerry not me kid. Post the proof of me arguing against the NVIDIA leak that it wasnt real or legit, it should be easy to do since I do it "everytime" right?
  9. All it takes is "consideration" and Remij goes into a tizzy Lmao.
  10. Now you're straight up lying 🤥 I've never not once argued with you about this Nvidia leak, you're so desperate for an argument you're making shit up. What I've always done is laugh your desperation and silly arguments.... Like how any day now Nintendo and Sony will drop their current wildly successful model and adopt the loss leader model that is gamepass.... Or that any day now Sony will do day and date with PC for PS5 AAA blockbuster titles
  11. This thread was ridiculous, so I had a good laugh Where did I state I played GT7 or im a fan of GT?
  12. Stop trying to pull me into you and Jerry's nonsense back and forth about the leak. I'm laughing at you and the consideration
  13. I don't care that PC gets late Playstation ports. That doesn't impact me playing it a year or two earlier. It's just hilarious that he is going ape shit for consideration
  14. Is that what you tell yourself to feel better about going ape shit over a consideration.
  15. You get off on me laughing at you getting prematurely excited for someone considering a old port for PC? I've maintained that PC will get years old ports from Playstation, this whenever or if ever it comes lines up with that. I've also maintained that hermits are foaming at the mouth for years old PS ports..... Your reaction to just a consideration further proves this as well
  16. The guy said he is thinking about it and LemiJ is already busting a nut ..... Talk about premature ejaculation
  17. You left out the part where gamepass was the loss leader every year for years and still is (services were down again last quarter) ....MS has lost billions on this. Those Sony studios would be dead and gone under the gamepass model. Meanwhile they're breaking records with Ragnarok. So again... Any day now Nintendo and Sony is foaming at the mouth to lose billions on day 1 gamepass
  18. And that still would pale in comparison to the loss leader that is gamepass which using your logic would pull the studio under... Seeing as gamepass actually bleeds cash while Ragnarok broke records..... Yikes.
  19. Microsoft is out here saying that Nintendo has a wider range of mature games on Switch, and MS needs COD to compete with Nintendo
  20. If you're stupid enough to believe that.... Then you would believe gamepass is a successful model for Nintendo and Sony to emulate.... Oh wait
  21. They're Matching Microsoft lies that Nintendo has a wider ranger of mature games than Xbox
  22. You mean like the loss leader gamepass, that risk? Again, one flop isn't going to destroy multiple 10 million sellers... Stop saying stupid shit just to say stupid shit to continue an argument.
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