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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Right right.. One flop will destroy multiple 10 million sellers. You're saying dumb shit just to keep an argument going. Snooze.
  2. Microsoft's highly successful gaming system (Xbox)..... No way in hell everyone involved didn't get a good laugh out of this
  3. Yes for old games. Day 1 gamepass isn't happening on PlayStation or Nintendo at all if ever because their software sells a shit load. Keep the hope alive and though
  4. Big games sell big numbers on Switch.. Pokémon or no Pokémon. Splatoon 3 sold almost 4 million in 3 days in Japan alone when you factor in world wilde it most like launched at over 6 million in 3 days... And that's the lower end estimate.
  5. Sony and Nintendo broke their first party sales milestones..... Bbbut Sony and Nintendo will copy day 1 gamepass any day now I swearz it
  6. Quad isn't taking the criticism of Ragnarok well at all.. No matter how constructive it is
  7. And despite all that GOW Ragnarok is better than what Xbox has put out this entire Gen.
  8. Halo Infinite, that had an entire console riding on its success and it bombed. But it's Cypher Punk, game flopped so hard it was pulled off shelves.
  9. Remember that next time you bitch about a game not holding your hand enough.
  10. I thought you loved "neon lights" pointing you exactly where to go, puzzles with no challenge with NPCs telling you how to solve it... You got exactly what you wanted with GOW Ragnarok.. But now that you have it you realize how misguided you were to want games to hold your hand so much
  11. It doesn't bother me that he is a huge sensitive snowflake..... Its hilarious seeing him be one and even more hilarious that betas like you are now defending snowflake behavior
  12. All three are god tier action games.... Based on my first play through. 3's combat system and mechanics are the best in the series... 2 was the best overall package with better pacing and a better antagonist (those masked Lumen fights were *chefs kiss*) and Part 1 is the OG. I'll have to play it again on the harder difficulties because that's when everything really shines in Bayonetta ganes. But for right now 3 is equal to part 2 and both are batter than 1.
  13. Bbbbbbut teh free speech... Unless you make fun of my fragile ego...that's where I draw the line on free speech Fucking snowflake Funny you should say that, Twitter's founder is making a new social media app and Musk is doing him a favor by firing all of twitter's staff... They can easily slide right over
  14. Just finished Bayonetta 3. Dat pure action gameplay Time to play it over on the hardest difficultly
  15. That snowflake was perm banning anyone making fun of him... Free speech my ass
  16. You mean like the 2 plus years and counting of ongoing rage by MAGA because Trump lost? What's this imaginary rage you speak of? Liberals actually want Trump come back om Twitter to handicap the GOP further like he did in the 2018 midterms, 2020 Presidential Election and 2022 midterms
  17. Trump said he isn't coming back.... The Twinblade curse strikes again.
  18. No one cares... Not even Trump. He is not returning... Now go cry in a corner.
  19. None of that money should be in politics to begin with. Strange when it comes to FTX you only care about what was donated to the dems.... Real strange.
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