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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. It's par for the course with Trump, why are you surprised?
  2. And if you remember DeSantis won by a very small margin and so did Rick Scott and what Trump said checks out on the surface level before the counting did stop, votes were discarded and they were declared victorious. For all we know he ckuldtbe lying just trying to undermine DeSantis or... He is starting to drop the dirt he said he had on DeSantis.
  3. He wouldn't have predicted a red wave if he felt that republicans had no plans, vision or direction.
  4. He thinks is funny.... We have people impersonating more politicians now and corporate mascots. That's why advertisers started leaving in droves last week after meeting with him. There was someone impersonating a drug company and the tweet got shared 10K times last I checked. The real drug company had to issue a statement that its not them.... It's pure chaos.
  5. The Pokémon game he spoke about has one version and the game itself is a departure from the Pokémon formula.
  6. No they don't, a close 2nd. List out all the Sony published PS5 games for 2022.
  7. @Ramzaand @Twinblade Musk's grand plan of removing verification of people's identity for verified accounts is having the opposite effect.
  8. Lmfao at the first part, this conflict pretty much had the opposite effect. If Ukraine was part of Nato this conflict would have already been over. Pays how?
  9. What were the terms of your peace agreement?
  10. So let me get this straight... You're saying that he predicted Democrats would get decimated even though he "knew" Republicans were in disarray and had no plans or message? Lmfao.
  11. Three Switch games nominated as well. XENOBLADE 3 SPARKS OF HOPE BAYONETTA 3 change the title bro... 3 Playstation, 3 Nintendo and 0 Xbox....
  12. @Ramza Now that there wasn't a red wave, they're calling for a dictatorship now... They're not hiding it anymore
  13. That's the agreement you proposed you clown ass simpleton
  14. Best midterm in 24 years.... But Cooke and Twinblade say otherwise
  15. That's doesn't mean he is going to sit there and do nothing doofus. The question was what would he "do differently". He is staying the course and will continue with his legislative victories which will also include the plan to codify Roe V wade. He has to wait to see how the senate and the house races shapes up not just in pure numbers because it's basically going to be a split... But which specifically which senators return and which new one's join congress and then work with them on the path to pass legislation.
  16. Fox already blamed Trump and now all the right wing print media is jumping on the bandwagon.
  17. You were just recently defending Trump in the classified document thread not too long ago
  18. Agreeing to the Russian "peace" terms which sees Russia gaining everything they invaded for is a surrender you dumb cunt.
  19. That no red wave cope is setting in for you huh? Hold that red wedding L
  20. Matt Walsh is finally honest about the Republicans
  21. Was just about to post this...Bbbbbbut Ukraine should give up and surrender to Russia.. Even thought Ukraine is winning lmfao... @Cookeand @Ramza
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