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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Go re read my posts.... I said IF he didn't win it he wouldn't have a chance to run for President. He won it so he has a chance....the issue for the GOP now is that they still have a Trump and QAnon problem. Trump will no go on the attack on DeSantis.. It will be q blood bath between those two... Serves the Republicans right for the Trump monster they created. Now remember when you said no one cared about Abortion and it was an issue blown out of proportion... Turns out a whole damn lot of the country cares.... Even red states
  2. Its a projection for that race.
  3. All the election deniers lost their governor races
  4. You know it's bad when Ben Sharpio makes a funny.
  5. Military aide budget has nothing to do with worldwide inflation doofus. The entire globe is facing inflation... Bbbbbbut Biden Republicans were anti Ukraine even before the war... Did you forget they withheld aide in 2020 to try to blackmail Zalensky? Did you forgot they said that Ukraine is not a democracy? Did you forget that Trump himself praised Putin for invading Ukraine?
  6. How quickly you forgot how republicans were on the wrong side of this from the start and switched to support Ukraine once they realized their previous stance wasn't polling well. If they win the house and they don't have election to worry about for a few years.... They will go back to their anti Ukraine stance.
  7. The republicans have already said if they gain the house not a single ounce of support will be given to Ukraine. It's ironic that all it took for you to start seeing who the Republicans really are was to start playing attention to one topic.
  8. Most modern games this content would be a paid expansion.. Im sorry you need red neon flashing signs to follow simple directions.
  9. Key word is you "assumed". You want your hand held and told explicitly everywhere to go every two seconds? They literally told you go speak to her... You chose not to and it's the game's fault? Lol
  10. Yes it's been there since launch... It's not easy to miss if you watch the ending... They literally show claworine go up the tower and I believe they tell you go speak her once you load up the game. I didn't know about it before hand, just was checking out the stuff post game and it was right there..... I beat the extra levels months ago right after I finished the campaign. Been meaning to ask GD if he played it but forgot.
  11. The additional content is all included in the game. Think of the stages like star road from super Mario world... Except this not only has harder bosses than the main game.. It has extra bosses not found in the main game and the true ending. Once you finish the game go back to the the main hub village. "At this point, you should head back to Waddle Dee Town and ascend up the nearby tower. Clawroline will be waiting, and upon interacting in conversation they'll unlock a new location called Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams. This new region is where you'll b
  12. What's hilarious is he is doing permanent bans WITHOUT warning (his own words)... Mind you before that Twitter would give you MULTIPLE warnings before they permed you and the right wing clowns still cried bbbbut my free hate and violent speech He quickly changed the rules to say it must say parody in your handle AND YOUR BIO. And yet, he is still perm banning any parody account of him that followed his omnthe whim made up rules. Just last week he said comedy is now legal... That didn't last long. He also
  13. @-GD-X did you ever play the post world on Kirby the forbidden land? That shit was even better than the main campaign.
  14. Better be a silk song shadow drop
  15. You mean you actually need staff to manage a huge social media platform..... Who would of thought? Amirite It's quite obvious Elon had no clear on concise plan for tge platform... No wonder advertisers are bailing left and right.
  16. Mr free speech, comedy is allowed, no more permanent bans, Mr no more actual verification is throwing a hissy fit because people are making fun of him. And surprise surprise he is perm banning... Just a few days after taking over. Mind you Lavern is a right wing shill who was giddy when Elon bought Twitter... Now she's realizing how thin skinned of a snowflake he is.
  17. It's ok Ramza, he already admitted he lied and took accountability for it. Why are you sucking his cock so hard when he himself isn't defending it?
  18. The video never claimed those three were arrested or charged. Just shows clips of them defending Pedos and grooming. That's the 2% that I referenced. Now what about the other 98% who plead guilty, or already in prison and currently under investigation for being a pedo? You glossed over all those republican politicians who are sickos
  19. Why do I even bother with your dumbass. Physically force? Force doesn't only men physically you dense clown. He wanted to pull out, Twitter and the Judge forced him to close... It was a binding contract, he caved... Cry more
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