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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. That 1 billion was if the deal fell apart and both parties walked away.... Unfortunately for Musk Twitter didn't walk away. Straight from the chairman of Twitter's board. The Judge agreed and said Twitter had enough for a trial...since Musk already singed s BINDING AGREEMENT.... Later she gave Musk until Oct 28th to close... He caved and closed. Sorry if that hurts your feelings
  2. Gee wiz, who would have thought that removing thw verification process would allow ANYONE to impersonate powerful people. Twitter is about to turn into the wild west if Elon doesn't change course.
  3. I speaking specifically about politicians, a high number of Republican politicians keep getting caught doing pedo shit... Bunch of sickos Hit piece? It's all straight facts. Over 98% of the Republicans politicians in that vid fall under 3 categories... They have either have already plead guilty and awaiting sentencing, already sentenced and in prison or currently under investigation for being a pedo.
  4. As advertisers continue to jump off the titanic.... Elon Musk is now disabling and restricting accounts of Journalists and or Analysts who question his actions or tweets etc... For all the flak people give mark zuckaberg at least he is not a thin skinned snowflake like Elon is proving to be.
  5. An over 5 min video of recent republic politicians who been caught with child porn, groomed children and or raped minors... Most have pleased guilty, already sentenced to prison or currently still under investigation. Hey @Ramza since you love to claim you don't know of a single republican politician who is a groomer... hope you enjoy the GOP groomers video clip 🍿
  6. Ohh look @Ramza yet another republican politician who is an actual groomer.
  7. Lmfao... Sub keeps curb stomping Saucer into the ground.... Saucer's rebuttals are him saying bbbbut bbbbut
  8. Retard he already signed the binding contract before he tried to back out. There was no way out of it, unless Twitter agreed to back out. Twitter didn't want to squash the deal and the Judge gave Musk until Oct 28th to close... He closed on Oct 28th. Yes he was forced to close the deal.. Sorry that hurts your feelings
  9. As always you speak about the things you have no clue about, why are you always so misinformed about EVERYTHING? Musk tried to back out AFTER signing a binding deal to purchase Twitter. Twitter sued and the Judge agreed Twitter had a case and gave musk until Oct 28th to close the deal or Twitter can move forward with the suit for the BINDING contract he already signed. "Twitter said Musk, after entering a binding merger agreement, now “refuses to honor his obligations to Twitter and its stockholders because the deal he signed no longer serves his p
  10. Do you just talk out your ass? Did you look up the deal before making that statement?
  11. Who said advertisers are responsible for public speech moderation? Where are you getting that from? Lol They had meetings with him and the shared his plans, which they didn't want to be associated with and they are free to leave. Musk himself said no more verifications. Anyone can be sub for 8 dollars without verification of who you are. His own words. I'm not saying Musk himself is going to push misinformation (even though he already did it and had to delete the tweet). What im saying is with zero verification anyone can
  12. Advertisers are leaving in droves after they met with Musk earlier this week. That's already happening.. Hence his crying about them losing millions per day. No.. keeping them working wouldn't cost more than the law suit for every employee that was cut without the notice... are you daft? The law in that state says thwy have to give 60 days notice if you're being furloughed, that's all I'm saying. how you interpret that to mean I said he should keep them employed? Lol... He is free to fire whoever he, just has to follow the labor laws. The subscri
  13. The game sold the most on PlayStation Platforms in the US, Japan and Europe. Your denial isn't changing that. The link you posted seperated PS5 and PS4 so PC would take the lead
  14. You have it backwards... Elon Musk came in the door firing from day 1 and then announced more firings. Twitter only started bleeding money AFTER advertisers started leaving... after having meetings with Musk and they walked away unsure of the direction he is taking the platform. His master plan is to remove the verification process which verifies public figures and replace it with an 8 dollar charge that anyone can get without verification.... Meaning someone can pretend to be powerful figures... Anyone can pretend to be Biden, Zalensky, Putin, Trump etc
  15. You compared exclusive to multiplats...which is irrelevant to the post about exclusives that I quoted... You aren't too bright aren't you?
  16. Once the advertisers leave its a wrap.. Over 44 billion + severance packages +law suits for firing employees without due cause and without a 60 day notice + taking on the full debt of the company....
  17. Wait, these clowns actually think that all Twitter employees (engineers, analysts, content staff, design etc)... Are all liberals? How deluded are you?
  18. Musk is currently crying that revenue ia waaaay down and that advertisers are leaving in droves Are you going to cry for him?
  19. You noticed they combined Xbox (Xbox1 + S + X) but seperated out PS5 and PS4 in the comparison? You know why that is right? PlayStation (PS5 +PS4) versions sold the most in the US, UK and Japan, followed closely by PC and coming in dead last of course was Xbox
  20. They make more money in the PlayStation ecosystem than PC... That will always be the first priority. Games sell more on PlayStation across the board. Plus the hardware sales they generate from exclusives.
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