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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. And that's you're contradiction. You said it when I told you that's one of the reason why Sony isn't day and date. With the staggered releases on PC they're getting double dippers + new customers on PC. With day and date they lose all the double dippers.
  2. Did I say most hermits will do it?... I said they will be double Dibble it.... U denied hermits will double dip.
  3. Just skimmed the thread.... Remij is doing exactly what I said hermits will be doing with Sony games (which he denied)... Double dipping and purchasing the same game twice... Once on console and a second time on PC.
  4. Their forecast hasn't changed has it?
  5. They totally revamped the PS+ structure, 96% of the previous PS+ user base switched to the new PS+ structure only 4% haven't. That's a ridiculously high retention rate. In that one quarter the new PS+ drove record breaking revenue for Sony. It's not the ownage you think.
  6. It was record breaking revenue for Sony's game division. That was some omission huh?
  7. PLATINUM confirmed that they reached out to Nintendo to pitch Bayonetta 3 right after scale bound was canned. Many of the demon slave mechanics came directly from scale bound too which was supposed to be built around controlling dragons. Thanks lemmings
  8. The right wing clowns are still crying up a storm about losing in 2020, still in denial about it and made up a bunch of silly conspiracy theories about why they didn't lose... They've been also proclaiming Trump will be reinstated next month ever month since he lost...stormed the capital because they couldn't accept defeat. Imagine how bat shit crazy they'll get if they lose the midterms too
  9. @-GD-X finally got around to booting up sparks of hope. Loving it so far
  10. The first thread was locked due to white aggrievement, but the thread is back and better than ever. Link for previous thread for people to catch up.
  11. Henry Cavil reprised his role as Superman for the DC cinematic Universe. It's safe to assume his schedule doesn't align with season 4
  12. Yea the time jumps didn't bother me one bit. The transitions between the old characters and new characters were very well done.
  13. I really tried to get into the show.... I fell asleep on almost every episode. It got to the point I started fast forwarding to the scenes I was interested in and skipping much of the snore inducing plot.
  14. The "peace terms" I've seen you, Ramza, Tulsi and Tucker Carlson spew revolved around Ukraine surrendering to Russia so that the war would stop. Russia is not interested in any peace talks and Ukraine has the right to defend themselves against a hostile unprovoked invasion.
  15. No one is advocating for war except for Putin/Russia, he invaded a sovereign nation unprovoked. Ukraine surrendering is not a peace deal you short sighted simpleton.
  16. They accomplished the intial goal of overthrowing Sadam Hussein and installing a new regime in pretty short order you uneducated clown 🤡 "On April 9, 2003, just three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, U.S. forces pull down a bronze statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad’s Firdos Square, symbolizing the end of the Iraqi president’s long, often brutal reign" It took the US 3 weeks to overthrow Sadam. They then occupied that region for 20 years. Putin claimed he would overthrow Zalenksy in weeks.... Its been 10 months and Russia is the one losing and no where c
  17. Despite all of that, the game is soo great that DF recommends it
  18. Nah im guessing spring 2023 (March) with a Mario title to coincide with the Mario movie that launches on April 7th. Followed up by a Cross platform BOTW2 launching in May.
  19. It is ..... Switch 2 needs to launch by next spring though... Its time.
  20. And he pivots again... Lmfao. Didn't you just say you hold President's accountable for their words? But 4 years Trump of TALKING ABOUT DOING THOSE THINGS (build the wall, Mexico paying, Healthcare and Infrastructure) AND NOT ACTUALLY DOING IT... Yet somehow you're not holding him accountable for empty rhetoric... Which comes back to what Remy and myself said about you... You care more about Rhetoric than facts
  21. Twitter filed a suit for him to complete the purchase and he was forced to purchase. It's cute that you're still trying to reframe what I said and then argue against it.. Lmfao
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