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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Again you're trying to create an argument for me... Lmfao. That's me speaking to Twitter's suit for him to complete the deal... A deal he didn't want to complete Nice try though.
  2. It's cute how you make up a point on my behalf and then argue against said point.. Lmfao. Him being forced to purchase it when he didn't want to, is him losing out to the tune of 44 billion when he wanted to not purchase it anymore and pay ZERO
  3. We just literally went through Musk trying to pull out the deal... Repeatedly... We just went through Twitter suing him for him to complete the deal. We just went through the Judge FORCING him to close by today or else Twitter's case would move forward. And you're here trying to make it seem like Musk wasn't Ultimately forced to purchase the company? Lmfao.
  4. He got forced by Twitter to finish the deal. The premise of this thread was that Twitter was trying hard NOT TO BE PURCHASED... Which was wrong... Because it was Musk who tried to bail. Tried all kind of tactics to run away from the deal..... Forced to pay 44 billion
  5. Let me repeat it for you... Trump had FULL CONTROL aka the full majority in the senate and the house for two years..... And Nothing was done.... I'll build the wall... Nothing. Mexico will pay for it.. Nothing. Healthcare... Nothing.... "Bbbut health care is soo hard, no one knows how hard it is to draft a Healthcare bill Infrastructure.... Nothing... But he sure did talk about it and not actually pass anything in regards to those things
  6. Musk was forced to purchase Twitter doofus.... He tried to back out of it and Twitter sued him and the Judge gave him a deadline to purchase it. He got owned to the Tune of 44 billion
  7. It's ASTONISHING how misinformed you are... Its like you just started paying attention about this two weeks ago when this war has been going on since February
  8. But Trump didn't actually build the wall and he did not get Mexico to pay for it. He had control of house and the senate for two years and he did not get the funding for EITHER OF THOSE TWO THINGS. What he did do was TALK about it and talk about it some more and talk about it again. and as I've come to realize with you.... You put more stock into hollow talking than actual actions.
  9. That was his spin for his boss, the CEO of MS....remember his boss didn't get a bonus either because GP missed the target... So Phil has to spin it as saturation... When it was actually lack of compelling content.
  10. You misread it. They hit their target in 2020... But missed it for 21 and 22.
  11. https://www.axios.com/2022/10/27/microsoft-xbox-game-pass-miss "Game Pass achieved 28% growth for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, but the target was 73% growth rate. This fell short of a target tied to the pay of CEO Satya Nadella and other top executives. This is the second year in a row Game Pass has missed the growth target (37% actual vs 48% goal), having exceeded the target in 2020 (86% actual vs 71% goal)."
  12. He also confirmed what we already knew.. Gamepass growth on Xbox has slowed down
  13. That's what zero games for over a year on Xbox does to you.
  14. You said the flu shot isn't recommended by the CDC, that's false. Who says no legal action can be taken against the drug companies? National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). the act contained provisions for a program that would fairly and efficiently compensate individuals harmed by certain vaccines properly manufactured. "those claiming a vaccine injury from a covered vaccine cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer without first filing a claim with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Certain medical events are presumed to be side effects of va
  15. Except your most hyped game which scored a 7
  16. "Regardless of actual policies" lmfao.... Game set and match So it was just as I thought... You have no clue what you're talking about. Like that guy in the video and you've been spouting open boarder policy without the policy being open boarder. Did you actually watch the videos you posted? Or just read the caption? .. Most of the vids don't back up your claims... They all start off by saying Biden as VP had a high deportation rate.. Which is something republicans love by the way... He then goes on to say, illegals caught crossing should be deported, illegals
  17. Quoting myself ae Ramza Claims he doesn't do this while literally doing it. Gouko - What about Biden's Policy is open Border? Ramza - "I not going to get into specifics bbbbut" Gouko - So you can't explain what about it is open bordeds? Ramza - "I don't know much about it, but I think it's not good"
  18. Dipshit, you said his policy is open border. Yet you can't say what specifically in the policy is open boarder. You then claim the "problem" is worse but I have already showed you Data that says it's not. You have not proved shit and you're using talking points you heard as facts.... That's not how it works dumbass. If what you are saying is true that his policy is open boarder then it should be easy to point to it..... Open border talks since taking office? Where are you getting that from? As a candidate
  19. Why are you so always misinformed? Oh yea I forgot you watch Tucker Carlson 1) States establish vaccine requirements for school children, not ACIP or CDC. 2) The CDC recommends the flu shot as well doofus. But just like the Covid19 shot, states determine vaccine requirements for school children...not the CDC. 3) As I explained to your pea brain before, a recommendation is not a mandate.
  20. 3 AAAs in 3 weeks.... "We eating"
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