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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Again list one thing I was dishonest about? I 've only posted FACTS, tangible facts. There are several things you could not explain or back up just like the guy in the vid who couldn't back up his You been claiming Biden's "Open Boarder policy" is causing a "crisis" I specifically asked you what about his policies is open boarder and your response was EXACTLY like that guy in the video... "I don't know much or anything about it, but it's bad" As far as the republicans.... Its more the embarrassing its shows that they are performance
  2. 1) It wasn't the full progressive caucus... It was small number of progressives (12)... That took it upon themselves to do this. I agree this does nothing but empower Russia's propaganda machine because you have those one the right who haven't pulled back that Rhetoric..... And now some Rouges on the left took it upon themselves to do the same. 2) luckily, they have already started back peddled on it... Several hours after the letter, which was first reported by The Washington Post, was released, the caucus sent a rare follow-up statement intended to fine
  3. Ratchet was Sony's first next gen game.... But I agree with everything else. MS will be playing catch up.
  4. Yea faster CPU. I doubt it will have a high capacity drive. It will be a decent size NVMe drive but they'll once again depend on users expanding via high capacity SD cards. The Switch 2 chipset has leaked so we already know the power range... Its a significant upgrade over current Switch. The other details of the system haven't leaked out as yet though.
  5. And what is going to happen is.. When those games do come.. They will disappoint because expectations will be so high because of drought of games from MS.
  6. Yea, It's the CPU or more so the clock speeds Nintendo has the Switch operating under. Remember the X1 CPU can operate at a much faster speed that what Nintendo chose to run it at. But for this game it's on Ubisoft though... While Switch definitely cannot match PS5 and Xbox Series x load times... Nintendo released an update since 2018 where the system "overclocks" the CPU temporarily during loading to reduce load times. It up to developers to implement it though.
  7. The scope of the 2nd game is much greater than the first and its full 3D. The first one was isomeric so the extra available overhead went to graphics. It still looks good but not as "CG" looking as the first.
  8. Not yet.... Picking it this week along with Bayonetta 3... Not too long finished Xenoblade 3 Edit how is it so far?
  9. How delusional are you really? Post one thing I was dishonest about? How many times on various different topics have we asked you what about it specifically you don't like... And your response was EXACTLY what that guy said "I don't know much or anything about it, but I assume it isn't good" As far as what I was talking about... Here let me post about this again. It's like anything that doesn't fit your delusional narrative you pretend you never heard about it. Voted against the infrastructure bill.... But they're taking credi
  10. She actually brought more attention to the game than she intended
  11. This pretty much sums up Ramza to a T. "im not going to get into the specifics of it Bbbbbbut" "I don't know anything or much about it, but I think it isn't good"
  12. You're denying you said PS5 wouldn't get close to it's fiscal year target?
  13. That was your spin after you realized you fucked up. Did you forgot both you and Ghostz said PS5 wouldn't get anywhere close to its fiscal year target?
  14. Bbbut @ghostzand @Remijsaid this wouldn't keep happening again What's telling is that Xbox stock levels increased and it still sold less than Switch and came in dead last.
  15. Ohhh look @Ramza the far right republicans are openly embracing fascism. Bbbbbut the speech was soo divisive
  16. Ohh look at QAnon conference today, the messaging was that Trump will be reinstated this November and the angel of death will kill various Govt officials that oppose Trump@Ramza Totally not extremism... Perfectly normal
  17. It not a deflection to call you clowns on hollow talking points that you can't explain, prove or defend
  18. No, it means hollow talking points that you can't actually back up.
  19. Certified Banger https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/mario-rabbids-sparks-of-hope-review-this-sparks-joy/1900-6417985/
  20. Says the guy who thought America had a uniformed response to covid, didn't know the difference between federal mandates and state mandates, didn't know fed national recommendations aren't mandates etc..... What the fuck else aren't YOU understanding Cooke
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