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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Ohh look @Ramzaanother republican politician who's a pedo
  2. Whoops Data is available in the link https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem The rate of murders in the US has gone up at an alarming rate. But, despite a media narrative to the contrary, this is a problem that afflicts Republican-run cities and states as much or more than the Democratic bastions. In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden. 8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republi
  3. It's was 41 million at the end of 2018. Jan 2019 - Zhugex. "Xbox One had a good year all things considered. Hardware was up YoY thanks to the release of the Xbox One X. Software remains healthy and I really need to stress how large the digital shares are on Xbox compared to other platforms. Global installed base now around 41m."
  4. You sure do love to paint with a broad brush... Is that how your mind works? I can guarantee you that you cannot find a single post from me calling anyone a misogynist. Once again... you're conflating issues where the WOMAN HERSELF CLAIMED it was a situation where sexism was evolved to this situation which again has nothing to do with sexism. As NO ONE INVOLVED not even Her has claimed sexism. Tons of people rushed in to defend her, her post got millions of views. Everyone claimed it was a fucked up situation because of the money she alleged she wa
  5. Ill see if there's a demo on PS5... If not I'll be trying the Steamed Switch demo... Lol
  6. International Airport as I said are FAA controlled.. Aka federal... But that has nothing to do with in state mandates doofus. At the height of the pandemic even unvaxxed Americans couldn't come back... Its when it started to slope down a bit then they could return. Should these unvaxxed Americans.. they have been a burden for anoth country that they don't belong to.... You're advocating for illegals to stay in another country... How progressive of you But again What does that have to do with the current population density conversion?.... Oh yea
  7. Federal mandates only applied to federally controlled entities. Like FAA (airports), post offices and other federally controlled agencies. Outside of that the Feds can put out recommendations for the state. But Actual IN STATE mandates for schools, work, businesses and your day to day life were controlled by the STATE GOVERNORS and each state had different mandates, policies, time lines, vastly different population densities and implemented everything differently. Hence America as a whole not having a uniformed response to COVID.
  8. Denmark doesn't have 4X the population density of NY doofus or any other major dense US city. Not only that Denmark does not compare geographically size wise to US as well. America did not have a uniform response ro covid.. It was state by state and also depended on the density of your state. So you cannot compare America as a whole for multiple of reasons and factors...as the scientist in that clip started to point out. You notice his response to that before the clip cut out wast that you cannot compare and he started using NY as an example?
  9. That's not how POS sales work. MS will have official shipped to retailer numbers. POS numbers on the other hand come from the retailers and POS trackers who provide that data to MS/Nintendo/Sony for a huge sum of money. MS chose to stop releasing those numbers they received from POS trackers and requested the trackers to stop releasing their numbers publicly. They obliged because MS is their customer and not us the public. From time to time the numbers leak when industry analysts are doing market analysis based on the official numbers from the POS sale
  10. I guess you missed where he spoke about population densities etc those factors matters. The alternative scenarios would have also had collateral damage... Nothing would have been a clean break... As Neil said... You're not sure if the alternative would be the lesser of two evils because you didn't carry it out with the same population, geography etc.
  11. I'll have to search but towards the end of the gen they scraped past 50 million.
  12. Lmfao.... Cooke is following in Tulsi footsteps.... "bbbbbut im leaving " It took you four years to finally admit what we all already knew about you? You didn't leave.. You were always a right wing fool who lied to himself that he was a liberal
  13. And the only actual scientist on that panel pointed out that you don't have the benefit of knowing if the other scenario would have been the lesser of two evils. His point being.. If you didn't get it and it flew over your head. The other options would also have had negative consequences and collateral damage in the long run... It was about which scenario would have been the lesser of two evils as he said.
  14. Not when Xbox1 ended last gen at over 50 million. So that puts series X/S at just under 13 million
  15. Everything in this situation was between her and Platinum... So I'm not sure how you're trying to make this about Nintendo. You're also trying too hard to make this about gender and failing. Not once did she claim she was being underpaid because she is a woman. Not once did the people who rushed to defend her make such a claim either. Her defenders were saying Voice actors as a whole should get paid more and this is another example. It was a contract dispute about money. You're the only one making this about her being a woman. Do you only
  16. Who in this thread is saying that? "It's pathetic that we're still talking about Persona 5 when steam gets a 6 year old game"
  17. Didn't Persona 5 just come to steam? A 6 year old game that originated on PS3?
  18. You said maybe it's a shit bill without knowing anything about it.... You assumed it was shit because republicans tried to block funding law enforcement in the senate and the house... While publicly they grandstand for their gullible base and pretend to support funding the police.
  19. Shocker.... So you didn't have a better solution who would have thought?
  20. What does a contract dispute have to do with her being a woman? This was about a voice actor believing they should be paid more than she should have for an action game that wouldn't have as much dialoge as an adventure game or an RPG.
  21. Yes I have. But back to this game... This game ran in the 40s with bad frame pacing when on PS4 and Xbox1. Frame pacing is what matters most in an action game. Even if the game is 60fps.. Bad frame pacing destroys the action. If the frame pacing is great then the game plays good even at 30fps and even better at 60fps.
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