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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Realistically any game above a 7 is a good game. That flop shit for anything below an 8 is SW banter.
  2. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/nier-automata---the-end-of-yorha-edition Technical overview: 900p and no AA on PS4/XBO 40-60fps typically on old gen systems Switch version has AA docked 1080p (possibly reconstruction) portable 720p targets 30fps, stable frame pacing, slight drops in big late fights portable seems to have fewer drops
  3. Low 80s on console.... PC version its at 75
  4. Hale can't get paid below the unionized rate and she is voicing all of the different Bayonetta's in the game... So even at the minimum rate of a grand a day...no way that was only 4k for Hale because even Hale's lowest rate is more than that.
  5. I was thinking this too but didn't want to speculate until more information came out. Going by the newest trailer it seems the "orginal" Bayonetta dies pretty early in the game... So not sure if she was offered a cameo role and Hale was offered the role for all the other Bayonetta's that show up in the game as Hale has more range and can voice a multitude of characters within the same game. She also made a post that sounded very salty against Hale... Saying that how dare Hale say that she is Bayonetta... She can't can't claim that role etc.... So it seems that there
  6. That's assuming Hale did the work for 4K. Both Hale and Jennifer are part of the union and the MINIMUM rate is $275 us per hr of work (not dialoge) for unionized VA work on games. A work day for VA is about 4 hrs so that's like a grand a day. All other VA on Bayonetta 3 are through the union as well. If they offered that low that means they tried to not go through the union which would be really scummy of platinum/Nintendo. Which is odd because Hale is notoriously pro union and doesn't do any non union VA work.
  7. Just like I thought... All hollow talking points..... Take L and move on chump
  8. More spin from you. Those people that they're catching now where simply walking across the border when Trump were president..because all he did was talk and passed no bills. As I sated above, getting the funding is the first tangible step to getting anything done. It's like retarded logic with you right wing clowns. INCREASED border security would lead more illegals getting apprehended doofus. Less security would lead to more getting away. A few weeks ago I asked you what specifically in the Biden administration policy says its an open border..... You
  9. The budgets come before the results Einstein. Once the results come through I always post those as well. But Why does context always allude both you and Cooke? I was responding to him saying the left doesn't care about the southern border.... If the left didn't care they wouldn't have actually negotiated with Mexico to pay billions towards border security and they wouldn't have increased the budget for border security..... Both things republicans SAY they want but NEVER ACTUALLY did either thing. Trump and the right talked about Mexico paying and the b
  10. If only we could get Mexico to pay their share for securing the southern border... Oh wait... They agreed to pay billions. If only we could get increased funding for border security... Oh wait that already happened. So back to what you're deflecting from.... Fresh off suggesting Ukraine surrender to Russia's invasion..... Musk suggests China should just go take Taiwan..... Musk is just bowing to those regimes now huh?
  11. If it's genuine then of course we should be interested... Unfortunately this is a ruse by Putin that only the gullible would fall for.
  12. "Bbbut the Invaders invaded to bring peace, all we want to do is talk. We invaded your country to have a face to face conversation peace.... I promise." Anyone who believes Putin wants peace has to be the most gullible fucks on the Planet.
  13. You're still begging and hoping for SMTV to be announced You think 3rd party exclusives won't be made for the Switch successor? The begging will continue
  14. Musk wasn't done, he is now suggesting that Taiwan be handed over to China.
  15. That's not what he said doofus
  16. Yes it should have been phrased better like I said, but it's not news that he attributes the burn pits for leading to his son's death as well has countless other iraq war vets. Republicans in congress are the one's that have been/were blocking that funding, if you have been paying attention
  17. His son died from Cancer after being exposed to the burn pits in the iraq war... Biden has long attributed the burn pits for leading to his son's death. He blames that for his son's death. The book The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers by Joseph Hickman speaks more about how many of these soldiers end up dying from cancer. The phrasing of it should have been better to clearly state he attributes the Iraq war for his son's death as he has stated before several times. Nice try on the gotcha moment though
  18. I'm defending Ukraine as a sovereign nation not to be invaded. First off you're all kind of stupid. Calling people who are DEFENDING themselves pro war. When they actual pro war are the people who INVADED and the people who support the invasion. Second of all Russia wasn't interested in any sort of talks end of last year or February just before invasion because they thought they would have taken over Ukraine in 3 days. Now that Russia is actually losing the conflict, their proposed solution is for Ukraine to cave to Russia's invas
  19. Shocker you're defending something you have no clue about... What's new. The bill was so "shit" that once it passed Republicans were taking credit for it even though they voted against it
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