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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. No shit certain sections of Ukraine speak Russian that's not news. Did you think that was some sort of revelation? Lmfao. Nothing you said there justifies Russia invading a sovereign nation. Lmfao at the bolded part. @Ramza are you seeing this? Hate to say I told you so.
  2. Biden never ran on defunding the police....the right tried to attach that to him but it didn't stick.. Republican law makers on the other hand are the ones who support defunding the police as their votes to Block the bill showed
  3. You Said the budgets were cut in the US retard... That didn't happen uninformed dunce
  4. So your solution involves a sovereign nation caving to its invaders. Putin's long term goal is to "rebuild" the USSR in any form or fashion. So after Ukraine surrenders the regions that Russia wants. What happens next when Russia goes after another sovereign nation in Putin's bid to expand. They should cave in too?
  5. Yes Biden, the current president of the US. Increased federal funding for law enforcement nation wide.. Don't be made reality doesn't match your uninformed BS. What turned out to be a disaster? The police were never defunded to begin with despite what fox told you. Republicans on the other hand voted to defund the police Actual tangible actions speak louder than empty words... You seem to constantly fall prey to empty words.
  6. Dumbass can you read? Again, how is supporting the people who are DEFENDING themselves pro war? Pro war is support for the people who INVADED A sovereign nation.. Unprovoked. Tulsi, trucker, Trump etc were praising Putin for invading Ukraine months ago... That's pro war.
  7. The US? Actually in the US President Biden increased the funding for police officers and law enforcement across the nation.... Ohh and by the way ZERO republicans supported the bill to fund the police Despite what fox News told you Biden ran on a fund the police and law enforcement agenda.
  8. Who is pro war? How stupid are you and Cooke for calling the people defending themselves against a hostile invasion and the people who support them as pro war. But then turn around and call the invaders peace keepers as apparently the best way to end the conflict is to cave in to the invasion. Who is pro Ukraine? We are all pro sovereign nations not being invaded by other nations. That sovereign nation just so happens to be Ukraine.
  9. Wasn't referring to Hillary saying there was a Russian asset being groomed to be a 3rd party candidate and then Tulsi outing herself by responding... *chef's kiss* Was referring to Tulsi making her pro Russia invasion anti Ukraine stance at the start of this conflict. Cooke has been a Tulsi nut hugger for years and not surprisingly he is parroting her new stance that the only way to end this is to cave into Russia's demands.
  10. Tell us you have no idea about Tulsi and her pattern of behavior without saying you're clueless about this.
  11. TMOBILE is hit garage But to answer your question.. Nope it's not slow here either.
  12. 1) it wasn't free, the Biden Admin paid for that as part of the aide for Ukraine. 2) After Musk spoke with Putin directly, miraculously the service accuracy for Ukraine's military went from super accurate to help pin point stuff on the front lines to dog shit.... And now Musk is no proposing Putin's idea of "Peace"..... Without actually talking to the nation that was invaded? Makes you go Hmmmm.
  13. On topic... Tulsi has only been democratic in name only. @Twinblade is right, her Switching to republicans doesn't actually help Republicans because Tulsi has been a Putin stooge from day 1. As far as the Russia talk and the dumbass peace negotiations @Cooke is proposing after Russia invaded Ukraine..... Twinblade already said all the same exact points I was about to make. He knocked it out the park. Reading the this thread on this topic you can see the stark contrast between an informed individual who has paid attention for months (Twinblade) vs a laz
  14. The nuclear docs were there but Trunp claims they were planted. Oh by they way.... Those same documents that were planted.. Its all mine because I had it in storage. Yes.. All The documents that I claimed I didn't have...oh wait wrong lie.... The one's that I have but I declassified... Oh wait wrong lie.... The one that they planted.. Yea those.... They should come back because it belongs to me now. Sources say
  15. Horizon isn't a feminist game you limp dick single sized bed incel.
  16. "The abortion ban won't affect much people" - virgin incel
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