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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. At least a year Minimum doesn't mean the shortest you will wait for a PC port is a year. This is the same messaging from the jump, once the benefits of the game being exclusive to PS5 has passed, then PC gets a port. It will remain that way because their software sells boats loads on PlayStation + hardware sales + PS +Subscriptions.
  2. Lol at you trying to spin this self ownage by Musk as a win Musk was the one trying so hard NOT to purchase Twitter... They sued him and he caved a week before the case because he had no leg to stand on and would have lost and paid huge fines and also would have still had to purchase the company.
  3. It's he lost the lawsuit he would have had to pay much more.... And since he has no ground to stand on he caved. One of the greatest self owns of all time
  4. Isn't this game backward compatible with enhancements already on PS5 and isn't this already on PC? Needless remaster
  5. America and the west have played this masterfully so far....it bears repeating that luckily we had an administration that fully supported Ukraine. Putin is now looking so desperate and weak.. This last move is just him trying project a false air of strength but it was so pathetic that he now looks even weaker than before
  6. Everything you said was true... Except the No body besides his yes men in his inner circle will take him seriously. If only that were true. The republican leadership did take it seriously.. So much so that they tried to use it as a political talking point... Once they got some backlash they rushed to delete the tweet, but like everything on the internet, once you post it.. It's there FOREVER. Republican figures are still using the aid to Russia as a political talking point against the current administra
  7. Build back is already build back better. "no plan is better than the democrats plan" yet republicans are trying to take credit for the bill. Those same republican governors that tried to block it.. Are now boasting that they have all this funding to rebuild and modernize infustructure within their states. Chip manufacturers are currently breaking ground on the biggest chip production factory in the world... IN America... Multiple chip factories being built.. bringing back manufacturing to America and to American workers. Mexico is now going to
  8. Just look at MS, they're losing billions to stay competitively dead last in gaming
  9. Not once did I mention executive orders, those are temporary. I only spoke about actually legislation for the betterment of the country. You know the reason we elect representatives... To. Pass legislation they ran on as a candidate and actually get shit done.. But what do you care....you prefer culture war BS instead of an actual plan of action. "No plan is better than a plan" ... The true motto of a fucking idiot
  10. You live in Canada you have no clue what it's like to live in the USA today. You're basing your view on right wing media fear mongering to the public to try to win back the house and the senate in Nov. Not having a plan is better than having a plan when it comes to elected officials actually getting stuff done? That's the dumbest shit mentality that allowed Trump to not accomplish a single one of his legislative big ticket promises and get a pass for it with his base and then they turn around and say he got so much done.... Lmfao.
  11. Consent of the 13 year old boy? 😐 That's groomer talk. A 13 year old cannot give consent for an adult to have sex with them you sicko.
  12. @Ramza listen to these groomers on the right celebrate a 13 year old kid being molested 28 turns in a week by an adult woman.
  13. Stop recycling this shit and go respond to those threads ON THIS SAME EXACT TOPIC
  14. Bbbbbbut Sony is owned because they're giving us scraps years later at a premium price
  15. Says the guy who ran out of the threads THESE SAME THREADS, these same covid vaccine BS threads after getting destroyed You haven't presented anything new but want to Restart the discussion and go round and round again... Lmfao Finish the discussion in those Covid19 threads, that you ran away from
  16. It's the laptop hermit Ramza who compared fan made content to Sony ports on PC
  17. Sony has hermits excited and paying a premium for years old ports to the point that they think PC is getting more sony support than PlayStation itself. How delusional are Hermits?
  18. The fan made content is free dumbass....no one was claiming that as some big win... It was something cool to check out. Meanwhile, you guys are using years old ports to claim Sony is supporting PC more than PlayStation when those ganes have already been on PlayStation for years.... Literally giddy for Sony to charge you full price for their years old ports Sony has turned you guys into second class cows... That was brilliant by them.
  19. We've been through this before Cooke, go back and bump all those threads where you got curb stomped into the dirt about this same topic.... Its all explained there....
  20. Those games are already released on PlayStation. Sony has hermits Nuttin over old ports ..... Sony is Turing hermits into second class cows..... Genius.
  21. Nothing is coming out your ass is just retarded and STILL doesn't understand how shit works.
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