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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Its Russia, you might get the death sentence for refusing to sign up.
  2. Ohh you still have a PS4, cool. Add me on PSN: Goukosan 😎
  3. This further cements Sony's strategy of keeping these games exclusive on PS until it has sold a bazillion copies and then porting it to PC years later at full price for additional sales. Great success.
  4. That one salute is some crazy shit for their slogan and WWG1WGA is their theme song.... Yes those loons have a salute and theme song
  5. Fringe he said. Who cares about QAnon he says. Doing the QAnon salute while the QAnon rally cry song plays to end Trump's speech.... Truth social QAnon loons confirming that the song and salute were for them.
  6. QAnon and their million different crazy conspiracy theories would like to have a word with you.
  7. 9 months later Fox News is still pushing the Putin propaganda but I'm the one with the broken record? Lol Where did I say all republicans or everyone on the right believes Tucker?..... But enough of them do believe him for Fox to keep ruining with this 9 months later. If this wasn't bringing in the ratings Fox would have pivoted away from this rhetoric..but they haven't. They're obviously catering to the section of their base that believes this shit
  8. Inside the alternative crazy bubble that is right wing media.... Apparently Ukraine is the one who is losing the war and is on tbe ropes. Apparently Ukraine and the US doesn't want to negotiate with Russia. Apparently the US and Ukraine want an all out war.... According ro fox apparently Putin wants to negotiate and Putin doesn't want a war... But since Bad guy Ukraine and their big bad brother the USA doesn't want to play nice with peaceful Russia Putin had no choice. So of course good guy Putin has no choice but to mobilize more troops... Begrudgingly.
  9. It was already dead, hence why she felt empowered to say what she wanted. Nothing to lose.
  10. Putin's Allies are dying by "accident" one by one.
  11. G4 revival failed for the same reason the orginal failed. Their programming sucked and now in 2022 where everything is live streamed om demand on YouTube, Twitch etc.. No one will be watching broadcast TV for gaming news and or shows.
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