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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. No excuse because at the end of the year and each year Xbox will still be dead last as always
  2. We know LemiJ, you only care when Xbox wins here and there. You and ghostz were quite giddy earlier this year about it.. Lol
  3. What's getting lost in all of this is DeSantis is the gov of Florida... Not Texas. Yet he went into another governors state to lure people on the plane. He also used Florida funds that were meant for use WITHIN FLORIDA. A fund that wss just recently approved by the FL state legislator. Why didn't he just simply take actual illegals from FL for his stunt? Instead of legal Asylum status people from another state ACROSS the country? He fucked up on every level. Criminal investigation launched into DeSantis asylum seeker flights Texas county
  4. It's the latter. The more reasonable Republicans who intially supported Trump im 2016 and maybe even 2020 have bailed on him... So now the majority of what's left are the radicals and cult nut jobs.... Which coincidently was it exactly what Biden pointed out in his speech.
  5. Both PS5 and Xbox saw an increase in available stock... Yet Xbox still came in last.... Yikes.
  6. Bbbbbbut if "Taryn Fenske, communications director for the governor confirmed that the brochures were provided to migrants by DeSantis' operation to help convince them to travel to Massachusetts." DeSantis is now doing damage control by now admitting they did give it to them... But he is claiming the brochure is real. But they used the wrong flag for the state of Massachusetts and they listed services not provided on the vacation island of MV. And to top it off, the services listed do not apply to those with Asylum status.
  7. It's some QAnon crazy bullshit that this cultists believe. Trump used to dog whistle the QAnon and conspiracy folks.... Now he fully embraces it, loud and proud.
  8. Fable Legends. Have it pre-ordered too and from I played of the beta this will be a Banger upon release.
  9. So if there's a thing such as naturally gay does that means a child can be gay? Or better yet, gay at birth gay? If gay is natural, how can you be groomed to be gay? If it's natural you're either gay or not. Can you be groomed to be strait as well?
  10. Ramza is an expert on Ted Cruz, without actually knowing anything about Ted Cruz.... Im seeing a pattern here... He is the expert and things he knows nothing about
  11. It's amazing how clueless Ramza is about this shit
  12. You have yet to explain HOW Biden's policies caused this so called "crisis". 1) Democrats in congress didn't fight against it... That was his own Republicans who killed it doofus. 2) The build back better bill was broken up into several bills some of which just passed this year. We're already seeing massive infrastructure project's launching across the nation, the CHIPS act already saw chip manufacturers breaking ground on billion dollars factories to bring chip manufacturing back to the US... Again you're just talking out your ass without any knowledg
  13. "What a stupid son of a Bitch"... Forgot he had said that
  14. 1) The republicans were the ones that blocked Trump from building the wall. Because he couldn't actually put forth an actual plan.. Just like with health care and infrastructure... He was all talk with zero substance 2) That infustructure bill was in motion since DAY 1 of Biden’s Administration... under the build back better bill. It's not a reaction to anything. Unlike Trump, Biden actually has concrete legislative road map. You're like clueless about everything. 3) again you're dodging. We're talking about those 50 people with asylum status. I
  15. A stadia exclusive defiantly wasn't aiming for the most people possible... Google was paying out the nose for it. Phil took the stadia hand me down and took up the bill. Has nothing to do with Kojima aiming for a "large amount of people"
  16. Just like I thought, you can't explain anything because you're clueless about the subject matter as always... lmfao. Thanks for displaying your ignorance im that 3rd paragraph.... Let me educate your dumbass. 1) Trump had four years to "build the wall".. Like everything he promised he couldn't get get it done..... His own base got so frustrated that Trump couldn't get it done that Bannon started his own build a wall fund and once he realized how gullible the base was.. He stole the money... He is now indicted for fraud.... How much did you donate again?
  17. You still didn't answer the question. You made the claim.... Now back it up. Articulate specifically what in his border Policy is leading to this "crisis" If it's soooo obvious.. Then it should be really easy for you to say what in his policy is causing a "crisis". Remy said if Biden had done what DeSantis did with these people who have Asylum status your would not have given him the benefit of the doubt... You then tried to dodge and say Biden’s policy caused this ( you have yet to articulate how). Asylum status has been legal for deca
  18. What in his border policy is leading to this? Be specific instead of spewing hollow talking points. They have Asylum status, the same status they would have had under Trump, Biden or any other president be it republican or Democrat. Remember they were not illegal aliens People cried fowl that DeSantis deceived the Asylum seekers and sent them to a summer vacation island under a false pretense.
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