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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    I don't ever remember saying anything about launch vs launch dipshit :drake: 


    Again, run along :umad: 

    Are you doing your best slow Jonny routine? :drake:


    You claimed your DD was out selling FF claim was based on the places it's out selling where we know the numbers. 


    We don't know the UK or full Europe  numbers, just the physical in UK only.


    We do know the Japan numbers where FF launched 4X DD. 


    Sooo which places are you referring too?  You seem to be running from backing up that BS claim :umad:

  2. Just now, Remij said:

    Clearly referring to the places in which we know the numbers :drake: 


    The digital for UK isn't out yet just the physical. So you can't definitely say that as yet...


    But that didn't stop you from extrapolating that to represent how the franchise on a whole is doing... Lmfao


    In Japan FF launched 4- 5x above what DD launched at. 


    So what places are you referring to?  :umad:



  3. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    No, that's you claiming I am.


    1 hour ago, Remij said:

    Don't be mad that I'm calling out the fact that a low stature franchise like Dragon's Dogma 2... is selling more copies than Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.. 



  4. Just now, Cooke said:

    Lmao you're such a fucking ghoul. 


     The media is mostly owned by the Democrats. They will continue to attack everything he says and does. Spin spin spin. How dare RFK challenge the system! How dare he break the duopoly!! 


    The thing that doesn't make sense is all the polling shows he takes more from Trump than he does from Biden. You would think they could use that to their advantage. Nope. Too stupid I guess. 


    Are you retarded? Wait don't answer that... Lol. 


    RFK said out of his own mouth that there was a spoiler candidate in 2000.  LITERALLY said it.. And he then further explained what he meant. 


    No words were twisted, or taken out of context. His own words. 


    His campaign seems to strangely have an issue of its representatives keep saying various ways how RFK himself could potentially be a spoiler.... Strange. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Remij said:


    Don't be mad that I'm calling out the fact that a low stature franchise like Dragon's Dogma 2... is selling more copies than Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.. 


    You're really extrapolating that Physical only in UK only = DD is out selling FF across the board huh?  🤣

  6. 3 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    You are showing how obsessed you are , right now and will continue to show it again and again.


    You lost your shit after I pointed out that Xbox and PC redundant.  Wipe your tear up chump. 


    You don't have to respond, but you cannot help yourself. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Because DD is trash on consoles and I played IW before that. I have over 150 hours between the 2 , so yeah ...outside of playing some p3r I haven't been gaming on Xbox. Why are you obsessed lmfao JESUS 


    Share some thought on the games you've been playing maybe just one time this year DAMN :D


    Pointing out Xbox + PC is redundant  = obsession.   Slow Jonny logic :drake:

  8. 5 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Take the L and run along.


    Hey, maybe go play some FF7 Rebirth?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.  We could also make a wager to see if you'll cop out 15 minutes from the ending like Twinblade did and throw it back on the shelf. :hest: 


    That L you took hurt you bad you tried to resurrect the argument and you still lost :drake:


    It's going to be a long year or two for you waiting for FF Rebirth.. Buckle up. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    And I said gamepass and play anywhere which is still true. That means more than me than being able to play ff7 6 months earlier LMAO


    Who said anything about you getting a PS5? 


    That has nothing to do with Xbox + PC being redundant genius. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Durr... then by your same logic it wouldn't have made a difference for Dragon's Dogma 2 as well... .and yet... Dragon's Dogma 2 outsold it.. and that's 2 WEEKS VS 6 WEEKS on the market..


    And no, that doesn't go against my argument.. You seem to fundamentally misunderstand my argument actually.  It's about stunting and potential for growth....  By continuing to NOT release these games day 1 on PC or Xbox.. they are actively inhibiting the potential for the series to GROW on those platforms...


    Do you understand that?  It's not about making all the sales right now.. it's about growing.  You know.. like Dark Souls on PC...  It's started out a tiny thing... right?  Few 10s of thousands of sales initially..




    And now look at the latest souls game from FROMSOFT..




    That's growth.  That's what SquareEnix needs to do with Final Fantasy... because keeping the focus on Playstation... will simply stunt it to the pathetic numbers it's doing now.. as a series of its caliber.


    You're so petty when you lose arguments.  I don't give a shit about FF7 Rebirth not being on PC day 1.  I just finished replaying FF7 Remake and I'm good for a year or so.... :roll:


    Right right... It's all about "potential growth on PC" and not "Im salty it's not day 1 on PC"   uh huh.. Lol


    You're acting as if the game is never coming to PC, what's the big issue that's it not day 1?


    You lost the argument and then started it back up again because you thought what Chris said benefited your point... When it didn't. 


    Whipe those tears up and enjoy the wait. 



  11. 9 minutes ago, Remij said:

    LMAO a classic case of you not being able to stick to the subject of a thread.


    It's ok... I'm sure those global numbers will just be AMAZING when they update them months later.... just like they did the PS5 exclusive FF16.. oh wait they haven't yet. :tear2: 


    And then after that... the fact will remain that FF7 Rebirth cost SquareEnix FAR MORE money to make than DD2 did Capcom... :umad: 


    Reread what I said... I addressed the thread topic. Once again what Chris said it's not the victory you think it is. 


    Checks tread topic... Pretty sure it's about the UK market.... Which Chris just pointed out is VERY SMALL FOR XBOX AND PC. 


    Which also means FF being on Xbox and PC day 1 in the UK market would not have made a difference as I stated in my previous reply. 


    Pretty sure what Chris said 

    goes against your argument of using the UK market to claim FF should have been day 1 on PC + Xbox seeing as their market there is so small :umad:


    Hence why I asked if this is the hill you want to die on. 


    The game will come to PC in a year or two... You'll be ok kiddo. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:




    I told that retard slow Jonny a PC + Xbox for gaming is redundant...he screamed cried and argued "Bbbbbut that's not true :awww:


    Now look at him barely touching  his Xbox because..... checks notes... It's redundant :drake:

    • dead 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    What do you think you're proving with this post dipshit? :drake: 


    And what he's saying... is give DD2 another 4 weeks... to match the same amount of time FF7 Rebirth has been out, and it will sell close to the same on PS5 alone that FF7 Rebirth has! :rofl:


    LMFAO this motherfucker just posted that Chris expects DD2 to be as big as FF7 Rebirth on PS5 alone.. @GoukosanHBFR :lawl: :lawl: :lawl:  


    You're back to being salty that it's not day 1 on PC, I thought you said no need to continue?  :umad:


    Chris said Xbox + PC are very small markets in the UK.. So it stands to reason FF7 being day 1 wouldn't have made a difference in the UK. 

    Are you sure physical only, in the UK only is the hill you want to die on? 


    So when the global numbers come out and it shows FF curb stomped DD 2, then what? 


    Are you you going to be salty for the next two years waiting for the PC port? 


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