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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Are you dense? He has always said MAGA Republicans. MAGA Republicans are the cult Republicans. You clowns took that to mean all republicans.
  2. Losing the few good games it has while adding tons of filler trash... Best deal in gaming indeed
  3. I don't recall saying federal taxes specifically. Better regulations were recently put in place to ensure they pay their fair share. As I said earlier it wasn't technically a tax increase.. It could be seen as such because they're coming from Zero.
  4. Lmfao... Cooke not even going to go through this dumb shit with you again. Each time you got proven wrong you act like it didn't happen and you just move on to the next thing, rinse and repeat.... When I have some time I'll bump the all the gazillion old threads with all the dumb shit you were saying, all the incorrect shit and all the shit you misinterpreted etc
  5. If you were paying attention you would have known that the bill to tax the billion and trillion dollar companies already passed. It was passed before the student loan forgiveness. So it's not an empty promise to get the money from those companies. Here's the thing, those companies were paying less taxes than regular middle class citizens. Some of those companies were paying ZERO taxes. So its more so that they now have to pay a somewhat fair share of their taxes. Instead of making Billions and Trillions and paying zero. It's not a case of their taxe
  6. That's not it clown, you're new to this discussion. I've been over this a gazillion times with Cooke and have already curb stomped him for two years on this Covid shit. Not going to do over that shit with him again... Trust me when I tell you all his points boiled down to just what I said.. Just letting it run wild on the public.
  7. The US army is not short for weapons or supplies. The aide to ukraine is miniscule compared to the budget for our military. The one thing the US is is over armed. No matter who the president is, the military budget is always out of this world.
  8. Shouldn't you post this in that what you're watching thread? Let us know if you feel empowered after watching the show girl
  9. Bbbbut they were restrictions during a global pandemic, we should have just let it run wild And no Biden didn't literally call half the country MAGA and QAnon. "let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology" What he literally did was call out the MAGA cult/QAnon folks and not the majority of Republicans. Why are you so upset that he called the MAGA cult and QAnon loons? Did that apply to you? Which one are you? A MAGA cult member or a QAnon l
  10. Trump gave worse speeches in front of Marines for 4 years ...you didn't bat an eye. Now Biden specifically calls out the MAGA cult and the QAnon loons all of sudden your panties are in a bunch? Which one are you? A MAGA cult member or QANON loon? Lmfao we lived through authoritiarianism during covid?.. You guys are such snowflakes.
  11. You retards still pushing that dumb narratives that he said all republicans? But you're calling other dumb?
  12. We Live in an information age you have no excuse for being this misinformed. "Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May." "On May 31, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee - protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response." “But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence t
  13. The steam deck was the system that did that huh? Lmfao.
  14. Did you actually go through and look at the videos and tweets or you just read the headline? Lol
  15. Re read what I said. Calls to violence MADE BY... MADE BY... MADE BY. Not made to. Read shit before you reply.
  16. You're forgetting that Trump mishandled various different levels of classified info..from basic to nuclear to human assets The 1 year to 5 year penalty is the basic charge for low level shit... That doesn't apply to Trump because he had much more than that hence the multiple things they're investigating.
  17. Are you serious? 😐 The espionage act carries a penalty of up to 20 to 30 years in prison. You intially claimed you think there is no jail time tied to it... Two of them carry multiple years of jail time as penalty. Shall I Continue with the others as well? Now you're saying your were not that far off? Lmfao. Your dumbass is really deluded, you have this thing where you must convince yourself you're right even while you admit you're wrong... But somehow still right.. Lol
  18. I seriously think you can't read. The minimum for just taking it knowingly is 5 years, that doesn't mean that's all they're looking at. They're investigating him on MULTIPLE CHARGES each of which carries it own additional penalty on top the minimum of 5 years. Exactly my point, he is not going to take a plea deal so that means penalty for breaking the law will stick
  19. I see you still can't read... Let me repeat it again for you. Where's the open death threats and calls to violence made by Democrat candidates, congressmen and election officials?
  20. We live in an information age. The information is at your finger tips. At minimum it's 5 years just for mishandling classified information and knowing removing it. Thanks to Trump himself,.previously it was a year. "one of the multiple laws covering the mishandling of government information is one that Trump himself amended during his tenure in the Oval Office" "Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized l
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