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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The 15% tax rate on billion and trillion dollar companies will be paying this... You know those companies that have been paying almost zero taxes.... So unless they run one of those companies their taxes aren't increasing to pay this off.
  2. And to the bolded part. This is a perfect example or your ignorance. You're making up shit on the fly and passing it off as facts. You're getting curb stomped so you're trying to latch on to anything... Lmfao at you running to bbbbut you like Nintendo and somehow trying to tie that to politics :
  3. Your lack of self awareness is laughable OMG how dare Biden call out the extreme MAGA/QAnon people out... That was sooo divisive.... Divisive rhetoric that fuels hatred and feeds paranoia. Unacceptable. Oh... look at that Trump speech, I don't think His Divisive rhetoric fueled hatred and fed the paranoia. It was acceptable and ok for him to do it Where's the open death threats and calls to violence made by Democrat candidates, congressmen and election officials. You still can't seem to post it
  4. What does me being a Nintendo fan have to do with anything? I've owned a gaming PC two gens ago when PC actually had games made for it instead of 100% console ports, I've had a PS2, PS3 and a now a PS5 along with Nintendo systems. How is my gaming habits relevant to this topic at hand? Stop deflecting. And Who told you that bolded part? Let me even use a right wing media source because even they have come to realize the gravity of the situation.
  5. But you didn't answer the question though, are you a MAGA/QAnon or mainstream republican? So when he said "let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology, I know because I have been able to work with them, the mainstream republicans".. He was referring to all republicans when he specifically said not all republicans? So when Trump called the left fascists but not all of them he meant all of them? So when Trump called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers but not all of them he
  6. Again with more reflecting bringing up Nintendo because you can't articulate your BS lmfao. First off the FBI is run by Trump appointee. 2nd off when the FBI is in the middle of an investigation they keep it under wraps. Trump was the one who broke the news about the investigation. Trump's people was the one's asking for the affidavit to me made public. They did that because typically the FBI doesn't comment on an ongoing investigation...they were banking on the info being sealed... So they could control the narrative with the l
  7. "let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology, I know because I have been able to work with them, the mainstream republicans" Are you a MAGA/QAnon or mainstream republican?
  8. Are you dense? Where did I say it was free? How stupid are you? The "high tech" weaponry is not our best high tech weaponry we're sending over.... But it's still leagues better than what Russia has..matter of fact world's better equipment. This weaponry counts towards the total aide dollar amount. We're not producing new weapons just for Ukraine. They're getting shit that was already made and sitting there. As I said about the military budget was already 778 billion two years before Ukraine War. The war is here and the budget is basically the same...
  9. It's apparent you can't read and comprehend. "your alphabet agencies certainly can't be fucking trusted." "Who am I going to believe?" Aka he doesn't believe the FBI. Mind you let's ignore the fact that this is the first FBI investigation that Trump is under. So everything else TLHBO brought up was irrelevant to the current story at hand. So let me ask you guys again... What about this is a lie?
  10. The military budget in 2020 a full two years before the war in Ukraine was $778 billion dollars. This war isn't making a dent in America's military budget you goofball
  11. Post these open death threats and calls to violence made by Democrat candidates, congressmen and election officials. I've already provided a few from the crazy MAGAs and QAnon nut jobs who republican candidates and or elected officials No apparently you can't read and listen just fine. "let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology" Do you know what let me make this clear upfront means? Do you know what NOT THE MAJORITY means? Apparently not He specifically talking about
  12. No im happy we have a president that supports Ukraine and didn't fold and let Russia steam roll that country. And No the US administration didn't expect Ukraine to fail in short order. You're confusing those in the US who sided with Putin (Trump and his MAGA Republicans) as being representative of the US government's thoughts. As far as the money being sent... That's approved by congress both the house and the senate and then the President. The American people also poll favorably with assisting Ukraine. Not only that it's part of the military aide bud
  13. Can you read or its not obvious you didn't watch the video? He said the Majority of Republicans ARE NOT MAGA OR EXTREMISTS. Have you been living under a rock for the last 6 years? Have you missed the batshit Crazy QAnon shit the MAGA Republicans follow? Trump by the way is now posting a ton of instance QAnon shit on his social media platform by the way But back to the topic. The MAGA Republicans are currently calling for Federal employees to be shot on SIGHT. “Under my plan, all Floridians will be ab
  14. I'm not celebrating the war in Ukraine doofus.... Only the people who called Putin smart and intelligent for invading Ukraine are celebrating the war
  15. Yes the screen is perfectly fine, just saying for a system that came out 5 years later it should have been better than what is was.
  16. Yes equal indoors in ideal lighting conditions. The deck came out 5 years after the Switch, the screen should have outclassed the OG Switch easily.
  17. You ain't slick Remij That screenshot is from a preview that Tom's hardware with preview hardware, where they're comparing the screen size to the OG Switch, not the actual performance of the screen. As seen in the link below. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/steam-deck-valve-hands-on Now when you actually get to the review, where they get to analyze the screen we get this. "In our Tom's Guide testing, we found that the display reached an average of 169.7 nits of brightness. It produces 68.5% of the sRGB color gamut and registers
  18. He specifically singled out the extremists from the non extremist. "let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology, I know because I have been able to work with them, the mainstream republicans" Are you denying the extremism of the current subset of MAGA Republicans?
  19. Here comes the simpleton with the child like view of the world. Why are you so ignorant about most things?
  20. You guys noticed after more information from the affidavit was released, the right wing media went silent about it for a day or two. They crawled back out if their hole now with the realization that Trump really has no way out of this. So now they're slowly preparing their viewers for the inevitable. News max Fox Lock him up, lock him up
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