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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Oh shit.. Forgot that came out today... Wait... I thought the collection was 39.99?
  2. When you have no real killer app content for an entire year then you have to settle for this trash. Bargain bin gaming, best deal in gaming though
  3. I hate movie games unless they are literally movie games
  4. The games are built around the strength of the console not the PC. They're considering how to better port said games to the PC, is different from the games being made from the ground up for PCs. When PC gets those PS5 ports 3 years from now... That game when it was originally being developed was developed exclusively for PS5 around the strengths of the PS5 Soc.
  5. You missed my edit too. Multi plats are developed for consoles in mind first as well... AAA exclusive console development isn't becoming a thing of the past. Even when those games come to PC it wasn't developed from the ground up for the PC...
  6. Damn, games targeting PC development first are making a comeback... Game development is moving away from making games from the ground up for console first.
  7. Zero PC exclusive AAA games will do that you. No big budget AAA exclusive games built from the ground up for PC like how it used to be back in the day. The majority of game development target consoles even the multiplat games. Optimized for consoles then up ported to PC.
  8. It's August 2022 and Trump is still salty about losing the election. He claims that he rightfully won and he should be declared the winner or they should redo the 2020 election. Stable genius they said
  9. An old port of a Wiiu game sold more than Bayonetta did on PlayStation + Xbox
  10. Look at that wall of text... Lmfao. There is no argument to be had... No one gives a shit that you don't like the game... We heard you two years ago and didn't give a shit then or now.
  11. A whole two years later
  12. I have yet to bring up Xbox ITT, unlike you I don't feel the need to bring up that Xbox sucks every single time, like you do with FF7R anytime someone mentions they might play it or they like it
  13. FF7R sucks I hate it No one gives it a shit
  14. I don't care that you don't like it... Who gives a shit. Bbbut everytime someone says they like it.. You feel the need to say you think it shit... Like we give a fuck Get over it already... They remade the game.. Go cry in a corner somewhere.
  15. You're still crying that the REMAKE wasn't just a REMASTER and they changed up yhe game from the orginal? Get over it chump.
  16. Ghostz idea of eating out is fast food... As he used KFC as an example... Lol
  17. Switched? I said from the start, Judges and the FBI. Post the proof of the left calling for the death of Judges and FBI agents on sight. The call for this on the right came from POLITICIANS running for election on the GOP ticket by the way
  18. Check the second tweet..... The way some of the guys on here be going hard for Trump I wouldn't be surprised uf they have been duped into giving him a few thousand of dollars.
  19. Coincidently... Last year October. A high number of CIA assets were being captured and killed across the globe... So much so that they had to alert their global stations of this. "counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed." And today we have just learned that the docs Trump took and mishandled included the classified Human intelligence information which included the real names of operatives and assets. Goes into Faux News mode -
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