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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Trump left office January 2021. We're in 2022. This isn't the first time the government went to his house. Trump returned some boxes around Feb this year and lied and said he returned everything. Not only that he lied and said he didn't take any classified shit. It's around March or so, they realized he took classified shit and they started investigating him. Also... Doesn't matter if he was doing shady stuff with other countries or not. It's a federal felony to mishandle that level of classified information in the manner that he did.
  2. Make your political jabs in the political forum. Making it here opens up the door for political talk in a thread about gaming.
  3. You couldn't help yourself huh? Jerry is a conservative now? What does politics have to do with a Spiderman PC/PS4 discussion?
  4. There you go being dishonest again. You didn't answer the question though, are you calling for the FBI to be defunded?
  5. You know other Sony first party games on PC are a better comparison. No need for me to continue
  6. Here you go being dishonest just like I said. Is every Trump supporter calling for the FBI to be defunded? No Are you calling for the FBI to be defunded? She quoted MTG who has on numerous occasions shown her true character. Calling MTG a white supremacist doesn't mean all Trump supporters are white supremacist. Again how dense are you?
  7. Calling out Trump supporters that are white supremacist doesn't mean all of his supporters are white supremacist.... How dense are you?
  8. Can you read? I said Jerry THOUGHT you guys were saying that, that's why he brought up whitcher PC vs Playstation. As far as Witcher Switch compared to Spiderman PC.. I said there are BETTER comparisons to make as you have other first party PS games that came to PC years later that you can compare Spiderman to.
  9. Jerry was comparing how games sell on PC vs Playstation when it's released day 1. Which is related to Spiderman since it's on both PC and Playstation and he thought you guys were saying the PC version would sell more than the PS version. You took that data and tried to spin it to say the Switch whither 3 sold badly, when it actually did sell great because the chart represents 2.5 months of sales vs 12 months of sales on 3 other systems. The Switch sold 11% of the total whither sales on platforms in 2.5 months which is a faster rate than all systems that had 12 months worth of
  10. Of course you see nothing wrong because you're a dishonest pick yourself. White supremacy being the number 1 domestic threat has been true for a long time, even when Trump was president. What Tucker is doing is taking that and saying that the Biden Admin is only saying that now to target Trump supporters because the admin sees all Trump supporters as white supremists. That's a flat out lie. There are white supremacists who support Trump. That doesn't mean that all Trump supporters are white supremists.
  11. Yea we agree overall but that comparison is off. Witcher 3 on Switch, a multiplat that's available on every system is not an apt comparison or the bar for Spiderman. A better comparison would be another first party exclusive that came to PC.... Oh let's say like GOW or something so.
  12. Why do you keep responding to comparison I never made? I compared Switch Witcher to other versions of Witcher in 2019. In 2.5 months it outsold what the Xbox version sold in 12 months and sold 11% of the total sales of all 4 versions of Witcher combined. Spider-Man was an exclusive ONLY on PlayStation and now it's on PC. The comparison to Switcher doesn't hold. Spiderman is in a better position to sell more as this is the first platform outside of Playstation its available on. When I said a but more... I mean relative to the benefits of
  13. I wasn't comparing Spiderman PC to Switch Witcher sales. My comment about Switch was in context to its release date and Witcher 3 sales on other platforms for 2019. As far as Spiderman PC, yes it would sell a bit more on PC if it was day and date compared to now.. But as I mentioned that wouldn't be enough to offset the lost sales of PS4 hardware.
  14. Witcher 3 released on Oct 15th 2019. That's only 2.5 months of sales of the switch version and it captured 11% of the total 12 month of sales of the game on all platforms. It actually sold very well. Yes if Spiderman released day and date on PC it would sell more than it sold now. But Less PS4 systems would been sold and the extra software sales to launch day 1 on PC wouldn't offset that loss of hardware sales. Sony's 1st party games are it's system sellers which get you to purchase the hardware and lock into Sony's platforms ecosystem.
  15. Was my post off topic? You made a thread saying the bill is dead. The bill was just signed into law and my post was about just that... The bill passing. Not one word spoke about you. Not my fault you're forever wrong
  16. Aaand the bill is signed into law "President Joe Biden signed Democrats’ landmark climate change and health care bill into law on Tuesday, delivering what he has called the “final piece” of his domestic agenda." The build back better Trifecta is complete Joe Biden and the Democrats can't stop winning
  17. Twinblade says fox presents it as just opinions.....delusional.
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