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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 6 hours ago, Cooke said:

    There is no such thing as a spoiler. You vote for who you want and no one is owed votes. Votes are earned. Don't be an anti democratic cunt. 





    Also, she doesn't speak for the campaign. 




    There's no such thing as a spoiler candidate? Lol


    Tell that to RFK jr who clearly spells out the spoiler candidate in the 2000 election.  :umad:




    Somehow someone in his campaign always let's it slip that he is a spoiler candidate and then his campaign has to back peddle and damage control. That time was himself letting it slip Lol


    When your goal is NOT to win the election but instead make someone else lose an election.   That's a spoiler candidate dumbass.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, Remij said:

    No... I'm not salty at all about this game not being on PC day 1.  I'm discussing why Dragon's Dogma 2 sold more.


    And you DO realize that FF7 Rebirth was available for the ENTIRE MONTH of March.... while DD2 was available for just a bit over a week.... 


    You're basically celebrating the fact that SquareEnix is making games that cost far more, selling them to less people than they would have before... and stifling their series' potential by taking deals which hurt them in the long run.... just to say "well it's selling close to the same on a single platform"... lmfao.  The point is Final Fantasy is not selling to its potential.  Meanwhile Dragon's Dogma is GROWING as a franchise.




    Nah you're salty.. to the point that you're saying "Bbbbbut FF used to be multi" :awww:   just because it wasn't day 1 PC.



    2 hours ago, Remij said:

    Final Fantasy used to be on 3 platforms


    It will still be on multiple platforms... Your salty ass just has to wait.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Remij said:

    omfg.. :D 


    They didn't "feel that it would cost more"..... Sony paid them some money to keep it off other platforms....


    And I can tell you with 100% certainty... that it's stifling the series' growth.  Which is why we have games like Dragon's Dogma 2... with not even close to the same amount of pedigree... beating/matching it..


    Even in that scenario, it's a still about the money.  More private Jets for the investors.  Lol. 


    If Sony paid, then square felt the money paid was enough for them not to release it on multiple systems at launch and was equal or greater then the money they would have made on those systems at launch. 


    And they will still port it to PC down the road. Win win for square. 


    But it still comes back to you being salty about it not launching on PC day 1.


    Dragon Dogma isn't beating or matching it if FF is doing the same sales numbers on ONE SYSTEM.


    growth isn't measured in the hear and now. It will be measured throughout the life cycle of the release. 


    FF on PS5 alone matched DD on 3 systems in the UK. When FF is ported down the road it will surpass DD in the UK.  It may even surpass it on PS5 alone in the UK even before a PC port..lol

  4. 7 minutes ago, Remij said:

    And I'm challenging you....  The cost of launching FF on one system compared to it being launched on multiple is NOT the win you think it is.


    Square launching on multiple consoles would NOT have substantially increased costs over releasing on just one... and then porting to the others a year later.  You're also forgetting that by not releasing on multiple platforms at launch, they're actively hindering their products ability to GROW and reach more people during its biggest selling period.  That has been proven multiple times now. 


    Dude... look at other Japanese companies succeeding on PC where SquareEnix is absolutely shitting the bed.  FF7Remake launched later and sold like shit on PC compared to what it would have done at launch.  Meanwhile, Capcom Resident Evil games are breaking records with each new installment.  FROMSOFT games are breaking records on PC with each new Souls type game.


    They didn't get the same results that Dragon's Dogma 2 did.  They made a game which cost substantially more to make, and at the same time limited the potential market to sell it to.....   Do you think any company saying to their investors "yea, but we only released on one platform" would make the reality go away that another game outsold it??  No... they'd be asking "Why aren't we releasing it on those platforms as well then?"... come the fuck on man :D 


    Lets be real you're salty they didn't launch on PC and you trying frame the results as a bad thing. 


    Spin it how ever you want, launching on Multiple systems for FF takes more resource than square launching on multiple systems. 


    They felt that the additional resources to do that at launch wasn't worth it. 


    They will eventually port it to PC and still get great sales WHILE spending less to port it.


    They will tell investors if they met their financial targets or not. And If they met their target, they will tell investors "we expect to see further growth in the sales of this title when we port it to PC for pennies on dollar so that you can purchase another private jet" 


  5. 14 minutes ago, Remij said:



    And regardless if they port it after or not... their ROI is going to be worse than DD2 is for Capcom :drake: 




    The comparison is between the cost of FF launching on one system compared to if FF launched on multiple systems. 


    Which would could more? Square launching on multiple or Square launching on one system. 


    The Crux of your argument is that square SHOULD HAVE LAUNCHED ON multiple systems. 


    My response was that they launched on one (which was cheaper than them launching on multiple)    and they still got the same results as another big AAA that launched on 3 systems combined. 


    They will eventually port it later down the road (which would cost less than launching on multiple systems day 1)  and STILL get good sales on PC.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Anyone who has played Rebirth can tell you it was an expensive as fuck game….DD2 is not comparable


    Yup, expensive as fuck to launch on ONE system.  How much more development resources would it have taken for FF to launch on multiple systems? 


    Launching on multiple would be even more expensive, they launched on one system and got great results. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Remij said:


    There's NO world that exists where SquareEnix used less resources to create FF7 Rebirth than Capcom did for Dragon's Dogma 2 :D:D 



    No dumbass. FF being on one system required less resources that if square launched FF on multiple platforms. 


    They'll port it later on for cheaper which would be better for their ROI than launching multi-plat for a minimal increase in sales on Xbox and PC. 


  8. They said it was close, that FF on one system sold about the same about as/close to Dragon Dogma 2 did on 3 systems combined. 


    That's not the victory you think it is @Remij.


    This actually validates Square's decision, they focused on one system, used lest resources (manpower, development time and $$) and basically got the same result on the charts as another big AAA game on 3 systems....but came out ahead ROI wise because less was invested. 




    Well look at that.  They openly admit their goal is to get Trump elected and for RJK to be  a spoiler candidate for Joe Biden. 


    Basically they know Trump doesn't have the popular vote or the electoral college.  So their goal is to ensure that Biden doesn't get 270 electoral votes. 


    Which would mean congress gets to choose who the next president is and they're banking on it being a republican congress. 


    I mean if only well informed people had seen this play coming from a mile away....but Alas. 

    @Cooke  thoughts? :umad:

  10. 12 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    That's true but also the kind of shit that ruined MK's reputation and nearly killed the franchise. That and terrible sequels. 


    IX, X and XI didn't have any portable versions, at least I don't think so.


    Mk9 is on Vita and funny enough, this MK1 on Switch is akin to how Vita ran MK9 back in the day.  A heavily stripped down version that's a bridge too far for the system. 


    This is a next gen only game that they put on Switch... Lmfao. 


    MK11 is on Switch and Ran and looked much better than this and apparently was very successful commercially for them. 


    So they're back with this money grab port at fucking 70 dollars :monkas:


    Their excuse for the price is they used the highest capacity cart but that BS because they could have just did what they did for 11.  Where the rest of the game installs internally. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    His fucking Canadian ass keeps talking about "the DNC" like the standard American Democratic voter has some great love for the party. Even politically active leftist indentify with movements or platforms ahead of party affiliations. 


    It's dumb fuck conservatives that constantly talk about being patrtiots and dressing head to toe in flags/MAGA merch. 


    Exactly, he can't fathom anything you just stated. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You can't do it. You're a fucking drone



    And you're still projecting :kaz:


    Your simple minded ass probably thinks that me laughing at you for claiming that the reason you conveniently disappear from threads after getting embarrassed is because your notifications are disabled... Is some sort of defense for Bob Mendez... Lol

  13. On 2023-09-22 at 8:48 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

    Since you're showing your face again, you should be able to respond to the book banning thread you keep lying in and actively avoiding. 


    As I've said numerous times... It's like retarded ground hog day with him. 


    He posts something he has no clue about that he just heard about from his right wing feed.  He proceeds to make a fool of himself in thread and gets schooled on it.   He disappears out the thread after getting curb stomped. 


    Then a week or two later he comes back, repeating the same brain dead  shit in a new thread as if he previous thread didn't happen.... Then when people respond and educate him again...he acts like it's the first time he got schooled on it. 


    He then runs out the thread. 


    Wash, rinse and repeat. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    You don't even know what that means :kaz:


    Another post of you projecting :kaz:


    For someone who claims their notifications are off you responded pretty quickly :umad:.



    EDIT... Now watch how you're going sit there now and wait a bit.... You Fucking retard... Lol



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