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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Right on time, just like clock work. Several people from his Admin already got arrested and charged as a result of that and for being foreign agents, etc... I know it's alot of corruption within his circle to keep up with. But this thread is about his latest corrupt act
  2. Contrast that to what they're saying now with Trump... A total 180. It's soo bad fox news is posting fake photoshops live on air and trying to pass it off as real.
  3. What a corrupt fuck. They have probable cause to believe he broke the Espionage act. "FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home in Florida this week removed 11 sets of classified documents including some marked as top secret, the U.S. Justice Department said on Friday while also disclosing it has probable cause to believe he violated the Espionage Act" Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up
  4. Our resident right wing clowns have been awfully quiet these past few days. Not a peep about Fox running fake news. Not a peep about Trump stealing nuclear classified information. Bbbut remember her emails though?
  5. It does. This is what a real America first agenda looks like and not just empty words and promises.
  6. There's another thread I just created to discuss this.. This thread is to discuss the historical CHIPs bill that will bring hundreds of thousands of new jobs to America as well as secure our place as a semiconductor chip manufacturing super power....
  7. This has got to be one of the biggest self owns of a time 😂
  8. Again he accomplished something Trump only spoke about and couldn't deliver. Another legislative victory for Biden. Now America will directly take on China as a super power in semiconductor manufacturing. Plus this will create literally hundreds of thousands of well paying jobs for Americans and drive chip prices down across the US for the future. Thank you President Biden
  9. "only guilty people plead the fifth"
  10. He gets no action, so that means not much people are getting any action either.. So no one is really having unwanted pregnancies like that..... Genius Twinblade.. Simply Genius
  11. What does it have to do with the argument's you been making? You forgot you claimed Roe vs Wade being overturned wouldn't really impact many people?
  12. Hey they knew varients would happen (like every virus under the sun) so why even push a vaccine for OG covid and delta? Let it run rampant. Similarly, car companies know people die in car crashes, so why even include air bags, seat belts and all other safety features?
  13. Ok, now you're just being retarded to be retarded. This thread was created because you were prematurely celebrating the bill failing. Now that it has PASSED your claiming he was able to do nothing? Lmfao. He passed infustructure - Trump couldn't. He got Mexico to pay for the wall - Trump couldn't. He passed his build back better bill - which includes improvements to health care - Trump couldn't.
  14. Samething we've been telling this retard for 2 years. He thinks that if you had an underlying condition and then you caught covid and died.. That it shouldn't count as a covid death... Only perfectly healthy people who died from covid should count according to him... Lmfao
  15. You do realize that this number represents the number AFTER vaccinations were available right? They weren't talking about for the entire of the pandemic. And They're talking about how many died from Covid ALONE (again that doesn't mean 10% died from Covid) after the majority of the population was vaccinated and not only that... As they said in the video it's because of those high vaccination rate. You just posted a video that's touting their covid protocols success and then you're spinning it to mean covid wasn't deadly. "see my seat belt worked I
  16. No retard, 10% from Covid ALONE. meaning people without underlying conditions that died from covid was 10% and they attributed that to their high vaccination rate..... That doesn't mean only 10% died from Covid. How stupid are you really? Australia did not report high numbers to begin with, so now you're just making stuff up as always.
  17. That not what the report is saying. So you didn't actually watch the full video and listen to what they're saying. You only listened to the headline... Lmfao. They credited the high vaccination rate for their low death rate. Not only that Australia didn't inflate their hospitalizations and death numbers, they had one of the lowest rates in the world because of how swift they acted with the lockdowns and how quickly they vaccinated thier population once the vaccine was available.
  18. But according to Twinblade no one would really be affected by the abortion law.
  19. Did you actually watch what you posted? They're specifically talking about Australia and a specific part of Australia. Not only that... Just 10% who died were from the virus alone (that doesn't mean only 10% died from Covid19) and the rest that died had underlying conditions. Overall they credited the low death rate over there to a high vaccination rate in Australia. I'm glad you agree that the vaccination effort worked and Australia was a shining example of this.
  20. Its funny how they immediately drop the act and grift to another position. When Hillary was being investigated by the FBI for her emails it was "lock her up". Trump literally stole classified information from the Whitehouse, and refused to return it. Then finally return some of it a few months back. This clown literally still had classified information and documents at his residence. Now the party of "lock her up" is now the party of defund the FBI Waiting for the easily duped retards on this board who supp
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