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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. No doofus, the negotiated, art of the deal bill was 2.2 trillion for multiple bills including infustructure. Infustructure was taken out and made into its own bill for 1.2 trillion. The remainder of build back better just passed for 750 billion. Add both and you get approximately 2 Trillion, which is in line with what Biden wanted. The master negotiator just got the pillar of his agenda passed in just 20 months of being president
  2. So much this. It's quite obvious that he cares more about the cult of Trump and trying to "own the libs" at his own expense than he cares about anything else.
  3. Aaaaand just like I said..... You celebrated too early just like the infustructure bill and that ended up passing. Now the revamped build back better bill just passed the Senate. Twinblade stay losing "The Senate on Sunday afternoon passed Democrats' $750 billion health care, tax and climate bill, in a significant victory for President Joe Biden and his party." The art of the deal, the master negotiator... thank you president Biden
  4. Republicans are for the big corporations, big profits party. They blocked capping it for private insurance so big pharma can still overcharge for it. But for Seniors on Medicare they had no issues with it being capped.
  5. MS literally released ZERO games tailored to the One X. How delusional are you?
  6. One X showed up at the tail end of the gen, so Playstation was more powerful the Majority of the gen. Yet you still got a base Xbox1 over a base PS4
  7. Is this the first time a show got panned by critics for being generic or whatever criticism they had but the audience instead loved it? Of course not. The reverse happens too, where the audience hates it but critics love it. In this case maybe the audience was fine with a generic navy seal revenge against a shady government show... Big deal. That's why you shouldn't live and die by TV show or movies reviews alone. I didn't even look at a review for weeks until I saw you blowing it out of proportion.
  8. You're saying he is triggered when you're the one who was ranting and raving about the show being woke because it mentioned covid once or twice Shows featured pandemics before covid and it stands to reason shows will include covid pandemic in the story line as alot of shows take subject matters from the real world.
  9. There is no bitching and moaning, as usual you blow shit out of proportion. That ONE daily beast review was retarded for that reach because the show isn't right wing or left wing.. Its generic... but that doesn't represent the entire spectrum of the of reviews that panned the show. On the other side of the coin the daily mail is blowing it out of proportion like you are for calling the show anti woke and making it seem as if there is this big controversy around the show when there really isn't. Across the reviews... It got panned for being a generic show.
  10. Just played a full scenario with a back story, freed a colony, cinematics, New characters, new boss etc... Thought it was part of the main story because of how fleshed out it was. Turns out it was a side quest.
  11. I remember when you started posting job numbers Feb 2021 after Biden was inaugurated Jan 2021. You hadn't posted a single Jobs report prior to that, but within weeks of him being president you started posting it. As soon as the numbers started increasing... You magically didn't care about Job numbers anymore and those threads and posts just stopped coming from you. Interesting.
  12. I think I played the first 3 or first 2 games on PS3. Never played 4, lost interest in the series midway through the 3rd.
  13. I remember the right wing clowns on SW used to belive this guy back in the day
  14. Weren't you just saying it wasn't a good time to go? Why were you being such a weakling? If Biden really didn't want Pelosi to go the Trip wouldn't have happened.
  15. Awww you're mad that after I own you, I don't jump on your go-a-round
  16. Now all: 1) Jerry's go-a-rounds about everything and nothing. 2) your go-a-round about his PSN profile etc. 3) Ghostz go-a-rounds after he gets owned in every thread. Can all be dumped here
  17. Remember when @Twinbladesaid that not enough people cares or would be affected by the abortion ban (as if he would know about having Sex far less getting a woman pregnant) Kansas, the deepest of the red states in the entire country.. Just voted and kept abortion legal in the state. Voters in Kansas decide to keep abortion legal in the state, rejecting an amendment "Voters in Kansas rejected a proposed state constitutional amendment Tuesday that would have said there was no right to an abortion in the state" "Kansas was the first state to vote on aborti
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