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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The WW3 talk didn't come from me it came from the Right wing media, something you were against but now apparently would be a good thing if Trump were president but bad if Biden is President
  2. The game definitely has more creatures in the wild compared to previous entries. It was much easier to sneak by enemies in the Xeno 1 and 2...just got to the desert area and there are enemies on every inch of the map.. Could barely walk a few feet without being pulled into a battle.
  3. *Meant to say 45 fps on launch Switch. The chip isn't 2X more powerful or 2X more efficient. Not because the retail game runs at 30fps means that's the best it could do. It's just means that's the most stable FPS they could get and they went with it rather than an unstable unlocked 45 fps. I believe launch models overclock gets it to around 45 ish FPS and Mariko overclock gets it to stable 60fps.
  4. The Reconstruction wise the game looks the same on launch models and Marico models. From what DF assessed the image reconstruction for the game is done very early in the graphic pipeline (compared to other methods which reconstructed the image almost at the end) . So they may not be able to it off without causing graphical glitches. The post processing effects were easier to turn off because that's done last in the pipeline. The Marico models X1 chip is much more efficient than the launch models.. Hence the ability to get 60fps via a hacked model vs 30
  5. Yea I noticed it immediately since the game has a ton of particle effects, per object motion blur and bunch of other post processing effects during gameplay and real-time cutscenes. As far as 60fps on Switch. It has a be a non launch year model switch. Remember the newer models have a better X1 chip than the launch models (Marico) . Even with the hack a launch model cannot run it at 60fps with over clock.
  6. Trump stated; 1) He would not back Ukraine or any NATO nation against Russia in a conflict. 2) He believed Ukraine to be responsible for hacking the US government and not Russia. 3) He believed that the current Ukraine administration to be corrupt and supported Putin's view of the Nation. 4) Already within held crucial aide to ukraine and definitely wouldn't be sending anything for them as he already stated he would not support any nation against Russia in a conflict. I love have to contort yourself into a pretzel to try to make
  7. Having played the game on Switch, I looked at the video and something seemed off. So looked it up, All particle effects, per objrctymotion blur and post processing effects don't work. The game also crashes during every cutscene and the game is cutscene heavy. PC Switch It's getting there, but it's not there yet. If you have a hacked non launch Switch (Lite, red box or OLED) it runs at 60fps with all effects and cutscenes.
  8. No doofus, the image show lemmings celebrating being last place
  9. Leave it to a delusional lemming to be deluded in his interpretation as always
  10. When you don't read articles past the the headline “We are working to ensure Ukraine, in particular, has the resilience it needs to defend itself against acts of Russian aggression, and here we have a very comprehensive training and equipment program...... assistance including Javelin anti-tank missiles, counter-artillery radars, grenade launchers, and Humvees." They were already aiding Ukraine, that extra aid spoken about in the article was incase Russia did invade. The package was already set up and ready to go. Oh so now it doesn't matter what T
  11. This encapsulates lemmings like LemiJ very well
  12. How deep is Trump's dick down your throat that you're defending his comments of him praising Russia invading Ukraine, ignoring his cucking for Putin and had waving away Trump withholding aide from Ukraine. You've sunk to a new low even for you.
  13. Another thread and Sub is just CURB STOMPING @Saucer into oblivion with facts and sourced citations....and all saucer had in rebuttal was empty talking points? Lmfao. That beat down was ugly Dammmmmn
  14. Again all PR. He actual actions are EXACTLY what Putin wanted. He openly praised Putin for invading Ukraine. That was disgusting and he also said he would not defend any NATO Aly from an attack from Putin...far less Ukraine. Legitimized Putin on the world stage as a world power by bringing him back into the G7. Removed and stripped the sanctions that were placed on Russia for interfering in an American Presidential Election. Undetermined America's intelligence community and chose Putin's words over America's hard evidence.... America first
  15. Bbbbbbut he tried Trump was all talk, while he and his daughter pocketing millions in patents from China while they held public office (bbbbut hunter's laptop )...... openly lobbied to save Chinese Jobs that were based in CHINA and ALSO saving ZTE a company that openly spied on Americans for the Chinese state. His actual actions didn't match his words.
  16. Part 2 let's do Russia now. Most recently... Need I remind you that he defending Putin for invading Ukraine? Said it was a smart and brilliant move etc. Did you forget he withheld aid from Ukraine a fee years ago. You think he would be siding with Ukraine now in this conflict? Notice I didn't say collude.. I said he kept doing what Putin wanted.. So of course they loved him. Putin's biggest goal is to dismantle NATO. Trump spent 4 years trying to do just that. Undermine, weaken and dismantle NATO. He plainly said he
  17. All smoke and mirrors...for public PR. Let's do China first. " The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election" How come Trump and his family all of a sudden got tons of Chinese patents approved for their businesses.... While serving as President.... Let's see PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP has long promised to ge
  18. That's your spin? Trump was giving Russia and China everything they wanted, the loved him because he bowed to those every wish like that good cuck he was. Lol Twinblade lol.
  19. All that blabbling and you still can't provide the same standard you asked of him. He met it.. Now you do the same. Put up or shut the fuck up.
  20. Few things.. Revenue was basically flat with that 2% drop with means hardware, software and services performance was consistent. The 31% profit drop while staying flat in revenue is obviously the acquisitions. If both saw significant drops then you would have been able to safely say their performance dropped. Sony is still forecasting selling 18 million this fiscal year, which means they're expecting to produce almost 16 million systems over the next 9 months. And lastly, where did that made up 16 million for Xbox come from? Lemmings
  21. Translation you can't admit it is a good thing because Pelosi is the one doing it and not a republican. The US is perfectly capable of providing aide to Ukraine and also making the Taiwan trip. Doesn't have to be one or the other.
  22. First off you didn't answer the question about what in the bill is unrelated to vets. 2nd of all, how you defined mandatory spending is a flat out lie. Mandatory spending is not a gimmick. Those type of bills are either discretionary or Mandatory. Mandatory spending means the funding for vets cannot be taken away at a later date. Republicans want it to be discretionary so that they can later gut all funding for it if they get full power again. But still be able to say in public that the bill passed. Why are you guys always so easily duped i
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