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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Just started it tonight, but So far so good. Compared to Xeno 2, It does a better job at explaining all the systems one by one as you play through the intro chapter. Xeno 2 kind of half explained it's systems and required alot of investment from the player to figure out how all the systems worked together. This one removes that barrier, I didn't mind it in Xeno 2 but it seems Nintendo really wants to make Xenoblade a bigger RPG franchise and to do that it has to be somewhat accessible for players who never played the previous games. There's a
  2. You try that past the intro and you won't beat a single enemy. The auto attack does shit for damage and is only really used for timing cancels, art combos, breaks, topples and launchers etc. Positioning (back slash, side hit etc) + Arts is where it's at.
  3. He provided it and predictably you had nothing of substance. You're asking for a standard of proof that you yourself cannot come close to providing. Hold that L Saucer.
  4. There is nothing in the bill unrelated to veterans. Can you point to where it speaks to anything else?
  5. Yup, dominion raped them with no lube for the election lies.... Now they're broke. Bbbbbbut it's the left's fault .. OAN caused their own downfall.
  6. Cry more bitch FIOS has been supporting OAN this whole time. It was a business decision to drop them because they didn't agree on a terms for the new contract.... That legal speak for OAN os broke and couldn't afford to renew the contract with Verizon. "Our company has long advocated for providing customers with the ability to choose what content they want to watch, and our Fios TV platform offers a wide and diverse choice of programming options, including a la carte options, that strive to meet our millions of customers' various content needs and preferences,” the t
  7. Are you surprised? The republicans has also voted to defund the police in the house and the senate... But then run to this TV and claim its the democrats that wanted to do it. And then when the bill passed, the Republicans tried to take credit for a bill they didn't vote for. They know thief base are lazy low information slobs. Easily duped.
  8. According to Twinblade, this master of sex and all things related to women. The lack of access to contraceptives and or abortion services won't impact much people....
  9. You don't get women how would you know how many are impacted?
  10. Twinblade's favorite network is about to go belly up
  11. It was recently shown at MS's show but it's on Everything bro Platforms: Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch (Cloud)
  12. There's literally nothing on Xbox for the rest of the year what else would he list besides games on other systems?
  13. Best deal in gaming, cream of the crop lineup that shows the power of X.
  14. After all these years the game still has all these issues on the emulator? Yikes
  15. Sales will get worse this year, this is sales of the prior three months up to June.. When lemmings still thought they were in store for tons of games for 2nd half of 2022. Then the Xbox showcase happened...... ZERO games coming. Lmfao
  16. I mean, you can always go find old games to play like dishonored from 2016 to tide you over until 2023 if you're a lemming
  17. 77 Meta... Yikes Slow Jonny fuming that Switch is still pumping out bangers while Xbox is done for the rest of the year.. Poor slob.
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