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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. France right wing party was polling to win, the French media had them also pegged to win and they lost..... "Bigly".
  2. No, it signals that the PC crowd will happily purchase 4 year old Playstation 4 ports in droves. So no need to deviate from giving them old ass ports.
  3. The far right party in France just lost the election. Like clock work MAGA is saying it was rigged and that's why the left won
  4. Meanwhile, Mr "Bigly" himself is already signaling that he won't accept losing the election. Trump again won't commit to accepting the presidential election results Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday wouldn’t commit to accepting the 2024 presidential election results — echoing comments he made during the 2020 election campaign. Biggest snowflake on the planet. But I now see why you like Trump, you still can't accept that Tulsi lost and you'll be doing the same with RFK jr losses
  5. Last week it was "OmG the party turned on him they're going to Abandon him" now this weekt It's "OMG they're still backing and supporting him" Meanwhile, the GOP candidate is boasting that he got Row v Wade abolished, campaigning on project 2025, is now saying the fake elector plot to steal the 2020 election should count as an official act of the President so he wouldn't be prosecuted, lost a rape civil case TWICE and was convicted of sleeping with a porn star and using campaign funds to cover it up. And fresh off the presses... This same GOP's candida
  6. You never said it wasn't so you agree it's a combination.. So what exactly are you arguing about? Lol The PS5 GPU and CPU both designed with variable clock frequencies and utilizes smart shift to automatically achieve this without developers having to design around fixed clocks. That is 100% part of how the system was engineered.. So yes the higher frequencies and how the variable clock work on PS5 are part of its architecture.. It's not just simply derp derp an overclock. Does series X use variable or fixed clocks? Does it utilize smart shift?... Whoops
  7. Go re read the thread. I said it's a combination. Do you think the clock speeds of tbe CPU and CPU exists in a vacuum? And are chosen on a whim or something?
  8. Developers said the tools weren't mature since launch that's not new news. The Joke was after hyping series X as the beast that would run laps around PS5 it got crippled by teh tools. The new news is the hardware architecture actually helps PS5 close the gap and perform better in certain games.
  9. It's not teh tools alone, you can spin it however you like. It's a combination. "So, based on our conversations, the combination of a more efficient GPU compiler, lower-level APIs and higher clock speeds allows PlayStation 5 to match or even exceed the outputs of Xbox Series X in some scenarios"
  10. What is with you and all these if if if if ifs. And what's with your fantasy of him dying before the election?.. oh wait that's you're scenario for RFK jr. to have a shot at winning? Lmfao.
  11. Why would be upset that's it's a combination of teh tools and hardware design?
  12. Dynomtecop getting baited and with his own rhetoric and he doesn't even realize it because if the shoe was on the other foot that's the type of shit he would say..... Like when he wanted Trump to put land mines at the boarder.. Lmfao
  13. As with most republican short sighted decisions will backfire spectacularly on them in due time.
  14. Umm tell that to Trump and his team. Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity "Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution."
  15. Multiple console skus holding Xbox back huh? Again who would have thought
  16. You brain dead ass still thinks RFK has a shot
  17. Devs and DF :it's a combination of tje tools and the hardware design. Lemij : nah based on my development experience with the hardware it's mostly teh tools.
  18. So "teh multiple skus" are holding back Xbox huh? Who would have thought
  19. Yes a specific part of "teh tools"... But point was it's a combination of teh tools and teh hardware. Not just teh tools alone.
  20. So there you go. Their GPU compiler is better as it can make more efficient optimizations specifically for the hardware that Xbox can't do by virtue of their compiler needing to support multiple Xbox SKUs and PC. Oh, and LMAO at Jerry... DF confirming once again that Xbox is the better place to play Elden Ring than Playstation Teh toolz still haven't matured It's not just teh toolz.. It's a combination off teh toolz, lower level APIs and higher clocks.
  21. England was a few seconds away from defeat and came back and won
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