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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This has to be one of the best self owns 😄 How stupid are you... Seriously?
  2. It has to be released first before it can be fledgling dumbass
  3. How stupid are you? The system wasn't out yet when the Bayonetta 2 was announced. Saying they went and they got Bayonetta 2 for a fledgling system was made up by you..... Because the system wasn't out as yet when Bayonetta 2 was announced dumbass
  4. Don't Switch your stance now doofus.... "Bbbut they needed a game for their fledgling system"... You just strait up made that up and pulled it out of your ass Hey genius, selling 1 million at 19.99 is less profits than selling a million at 59.99 or even 500,000 at 59.99. The publisher didn't meet it's profit goal, so they were about to kill the franchise. They could have sold 2 million at 10 cents, it wouldn't have mattered. What you need to deal with is that the reality is, it's Nintendo exclusive... Deal with it
  5. BAYONETTA 1 Sold over a million in the bargain bin. The price was cut down to either 20 or 30 soon after releasing because it wasn't selling, it was a bomb at full price. The Bayonetta 2 deal with Nintendo happened before the Wiiu flopped. Games take years to make genius. Matter of fact Bayonetta 2 was announced for Wiiu before the system even came out. Lmfao at you just making stuff up "bbbbut they needed it for their fledgling system" a system that hadn't released as yet and a deal that was already made and announced.
  6. Remember when we told you a deal of this magnitude requires due diligence and it's not a matter of walking into a store to purchase a pack of gum and Twitter had to be sure he was serious before accepting the offer? Remember that? Remember when you thought the Twitter didn't want to sell because it would mean Trump would come back? That went out the window quickly huh? Now that they took him seriously and put a deal in place... He wants to back out and came up with a BS excuse? He will be owned for billions of dollars.... Just glo
  7. Nintendo saved the franchise from dying. If it wasn't for them the franchise would have died after part 1. Blame 360 and PS3 owners for being dude bros that gen and not appreciating the franchise until they lost it
  8. Banger after Banger That's how you do it folks.
  9. Thread title should be changed to "Why is Twitter trying so hard FOR Elon Musk to purchase Twitter" Or "Why is Elon Musk trying so hard to prevent the purchase of Twitter deal from going through"
  10. Hey doofus, are what the witnesses saying true or not? Is it backed up by evidence or not? Is Trump's daughter lying under oath? Is the Trump's attorney general lying under oath? Is his campaign manager lying under oath? Are you listening to yourself... You're upset that they're telling the Truth. Republicans submitted 7 people for the committee. 5 were approved and 2 weren't (the two that weren't had roles in Jan 6th so it would be a conflict of interest). Then republicans pulled a stunt and no longer wanted to do the committee because they thought
  11. Trump calls Elon a bullshit artist... When the biggest bullshiter this century calls you a bullshit artist
  12. Trumps own daughter is Anti Trump? What about his Attorney General that chose not to convict him... Is he anti Trump too? What about his campaign manager is he anti Trump as well? It's all republicans and people from within his family and inner circle who have spoken up so far..I guess they're all anti Trump as well. What exactly is anti-constitutional about the committee? Ramza is now a Cuck-servative, cucking for Trump and asking for more.
  13. So you choose to be willingly ignorant
  14. These are people in power in the republican party who are using the "everyone else except me is a pedo and a groomer"... The same platform your "unaware" ass fell for Ohh.. How can I forget.. Madison Cathorn - republican senator. Another one who accused drag shows of child grooming events.... Until pictures came out of him in drag himself Luckily it came out just before his re-election and he lost. Oh here's another one Jim Jordan... Another republican senator. He helped cover up the abuse of the wrestl
  15. More dishonest arguments from you, you tend to do that when facts are presented to you. I didn't say Everyone concerned is a pedo. The pedos, groomers and pedo supporters on the right easily dupe unaware people like yourself (who don't know what the word grooming meant) to believe everyone else is a pedo. Milo said it on tape. Multiple times that he is a pedo sympathizer. Marjory Taylor Greene asked milo to Join her team.. Despite him supporting pedos. Meanwhile she attacks everyone else with no evidence and claim that they support pedos.
  16. No dumbass... The point is the people on the right who are accusing (with no evidence) others of being pedos and groomers.... They're the ones who are actually pedos and groomers themselves. And they easily dupe low information people like yourself... Into believing shit with zero evidence. You didn't even know what the word Groomer meant yet you believed them. You're a low information easily duped dumbass
  17. No shit you're not aware. That's why I always say you're easily duped. You're too intellectually lazy to be aware of anything besides what you're told to be aware of by the right. Roy Moore - had sex with underage girls, while also accusing the left of doing such things (again with zero evidence). He was supported by Maga and Trump despite him being a pedo. Once Roy lost the race Trump and the MAGA crown no longer supported him. Which goes to show that they don't actually care about if you're a pedo or a groomer.. They only care about if you can win y
  18. Marjorie Taylor Greene represents the projection from the right. They accuse others (with no evidence) of what they themselves are guilty of. She os openly supporting pedos while accusing others of being groomers and pedos. And it's not one person... Have more examples of actual pedos and groomers in from the right in congress. Matt Gatez another republican congressman is currently under investigation for having sex with underage girls. His best friend who also solicited sex from underage girls with him is currently facing 12 years in prison. H
  19. The right is openly siding with right wing pedos who try to normalize pedo behavior.... Ramza endorses this. Yikes
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