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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The music in the first game was already great, this one will be even more sublime
  2. He's right even when he is wrong and doesn't know what he is talking about. Didn't you know?
  3. It's not a trial doofus. I know you don't know or do you care to know. That's what low information means and that's why you're always easily duped dumbass because you don't know and don't care to know so you fall for BS. The meme didn't do shit.... it's hilarious and sad at the same time how stupid you are.
  4. 1) It's not a Trial dip shit. 2) 100% of the people who spoke are from the Trump administration and Family. 3) The committee provided tons of Tangible Evidence such as Text messages, emails, photos and videos etc. Meanwhile you get your evidence from memes
  5. No that's not what she shared in her testimony. The testimony with video that shows the SUV is easily available online. Both were shown together. But since you're a low information easily duped individual verifying simple shit is too hard for your dumbass.
  6. Your dumbass believed he entered the presidential limo that wasn't even there that day Now your spin is that he didn't enter ANY VEHICLE at all? Easily duped Ramza.. Lmfao
  7. Here he is sitting behind the driver in the presidential surbuban on Jan 6th as they get ready to pull off and you can see him at 57 seconds lurch forward towards the driver Lmfao at low information Ramza being easily duped by memes that show a limo when it's easy to Google and see what vehicle Trump left in on Jan 6th. And given that everything the committee witnesses have brought forth from day 1 came along with hard evidence (Text messages, pictures, documents, etc). You think they would have her present unverified evidence or unverif
  8. No one is surprised that you listen to that dweeb
  9. They have no spine or a mind of their own. Ready to cuck to another clown 🤡
  10. On Jan 6th he was in the presidential surbuban (as shown in the footage from Jan 6th) not the presidential limo.
  11. A religious run nation.... Sounds very middle eastern of her
  12. Who brought up dicks to begin with you cock gobbler you We're talking about games or should I say Xbox lack of games and here you come talking about your fantasies about Mens dicks
  13. Slow Jonny posting about men's Dicks ITT... No games to play so he has fantasies about Penises
  14. Slow Jonny fantasizing about mens dicks confirmed
  15. Hey at least your most anticipated game on Series X comes out this year..... Grounded. At least you have that
  16. Lemmings - Bbbbut we will get an avalanche of games this year.. I swearz it Look at how mad you're getting that Xbox disappoints you, year after year after year
  17. Look at slow Jonny go... Its ok slow Jonny maybe Xbox will get some games next year.... Just wait
  18. LemiJ, slow Jonny and DynamiteCop expected an avalanche of games from Microsoft at the showcase.... Stupid fucks
  19. I'm laughing at you and LemiJ losing your collective shits
  20. Hey dipshit I came back in thread this afternoon/evening only to see both you and Remij already losing your shit for pages upon pages before I even responded. Sloooooowwww Jonny strikes again
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