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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. 87% drop during launch month? Paging @Remij
  2. Yup that's the best option. Whoever wants to go all digital, you can do that.. Nothing is stopping you. Consoles should continue to offer both physical and digital for the foreseeable future.
  3. "In rural areas, nearly one-fourth of the population..... still lack access to fixed broadband service at threshold speeds." "In tribal areas, nearly one-third of the population lacks access. " The Report concludes broadband is not yet being deployed in a reasonable and timely fashion." And that just America... Now do the rest of the world. Sony and Nintendo sell boatloads of physical games worldwide.
  4. Did you read my last post? The broadband infustructure isn't mature enough as yet for a 100% digital gaming. Sony and Nintendo who both perform well Globally aren't dropping physical anytime soon. Force a user to go digital? That user is going to run fiber lines for their entire region or something? Lmfao. MS who doesn't sell well Globally and only in certain western markets won't miss much by going all digital.
  5. The medium can evolve when the infustructure is mature. Have you ever looked into what percentage of the country doesn't have access to reliable internet or broadband? Physical media isn't going anywhere until that changes.
  6. It's the model too. We have never had a point in gaming where two console manufactures are selling 100 of millions of hardware + over a billion in software EACH.. Within the same gen. Both Switch and PS4 pulled that off while being on the market at the same time. Point im making is traditional game sales (including digital because it's an actual purchase) are bigger than they have ever been in the history of gaming. Gaming as a whole is no where close to be ready for a gamepass model. Look at the hundreds upon hundreds of millions MS is spending to b
  7. You're denying you pivoted to by the end of this gen?
  8. You intially did, then pivoted to by the end of the gen and now it's moved again to it will happen sometime in your lifetime
  9. And now Musk is thinking about charging everyone to use Twitter. The app advertising dollars dried up so much that it's time to try to milk the users. I hope he milks his cult dry
  10. Apparently Trump beat Obama the election in 2016, Obama is running in 2024 and we are headed for WW2.
  11. Each time you speak on this it gets modified ohh so slightly
  12. This is the cost (or what MS expects the publisher would ask for) of getting games day one on Game Pass: Star Wars Jedi Survivor - $300M Suicide Squad - $250M Assassin's Creed Rift - $100M Gotham Knights - $30M Dying Light 2 - $50M LEGO Star Wars - $35M Baldur's Gate 3 - $5M (after Larian's huge success, I don't think it will be only $5M anymore) GTA V - $12-$15M per month Red Dead 2 - $5M per month. Mortal Kombat 1 - $250M Dragon Ball: The Breakers - $20M Return to Moneky Island - $5M Wreckfest 2 - $10-$14M Just Dance - $5M Blood Runner
  13. What inappropriate political content would a dr. Suess book, a layman medical encyclopedia that's been around for decades and dictionaries have in them? "Months after Florida canceled a class on African American history, the state has now endorsed the use of a controversial collection of videos by an unaccredited, right-wing group — some of which show animated versions of Christopher Columbus and Frederick Douglass defending slavery to students." So they Banned the actual history class and history books, to implement unaccredited right wing content to the
  14. Ahhh so there are no unsavory graphic stuff in Dr. SEUSS.. Yet you're ok with it being banned.. Not only at schools but at Libraries. The other books are available on Cristian books.com for families and kids..... Yet the far right thinks it's not suitable for kids.... Despite those same books being suitable for over a decade plus. You answered your own question... Indoctrination. They're removing history books and replacing it with Prager U content which is a literal wing propaganda outlet who publishes non accredited "educational videos" which change hist
  15. Dr. SEUSS books have very Graphic stuff in them? Lol So let me get this straight you lost your shit because two words were changed in favor of two synonyms that meant the same thing but in a less violent way.. This happened in one Dr. SEUSS book.... Bbbbut teh Far left censorship But old ass Dr. SEUSS books being outright banned is A OK and must have been done for a good reason or something. Lmfao.
  16. You must have missed where I said published over a decade ago including old Dr. Suess books They changed two words in one Dr Suess book and you lost your shit.. I remember your fake outrage. Yes somehow you're ok with actually banning the orginal books.. Strange. The list also includes “The Gale Encyclopedia Of Medicine,” a five-volume set containing medical information for the layperson, and “Eyes on Target: Inside Stories From the Brotherhood of the U.S. Navy SEALs,” which is available on ChristianBook.com. Ramza you Fucking tool
  17. Nah these were books published over a decade ago. Remember how fake outraged you were when one word changed in a recent Dr Seuss book. Look at you now bending over backwards saying it's acceptable to ban his earlier books, dictionaries and text books 📚. You're a fucking Hypocrite through and through. Not surprised.
  18. That would be a silly argument to have because of the huge power gap between Switch and deck. From the start I've been talking about games made specifically for it aka from the ground up. That is what has kept the Switch alive for 7 years. 1st and 3rd party developers making games specifically for Switch. So even now that the hardware is even more ancient, the system STILL has new games still being made for it.. From the ground up. The deck is already starting to struggle running current gen games that have no cross gen version.... It will only get wor
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