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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The main protagonist in Xenoblade 3 is Had you played beyond part 1 you would know you an choose which side characters to play as
  2. Right right.... So you were talking out your ass about stuff you didn't remember... AKA clueless just like I said. So no more final fantasy games for you either then
  3. Yea I see the chick with the wings coming out of her head.... From Xenoblade 1 Like I said, you're clueless
  4. You haven't played X, 2 or Torna, you're pretty much clueless about the franchise at this point. Xenoblade 1 Xenoblade 3 Twinblade OMG a cat ear character in a JRPG!!!???!!!?? I guess you've never played final Fantasy either
  5. OMG a character has cat ears in a JRPG!!??!?!! You're the king of blowing minor things out of proportion.
  6. They voted for Obama twice and would have taken Obama over Trump if Presidents could have ran three times. Hilary was despised by the far left and even more despised by the entire republican base and she still won the popular vote but ultimately lost the electoral vote. DeSantis isn't even a lock to win over there cult of Trump.
  7. That's in Florida dumbo, im talking on a national stage you slow fuck And and speaking of Florida.. DeSantis barely won Florida, he won it by less than 1% and Florida is traditionally a republican state and he skimmed by. If the Democrat party was actually Hijacked by the far left, Bernie or Elizabeth Warren would have won the Nomination.... But they didn't... Biden a centrist Democrat won in a landslide. Where on the republican side, the far right has taken over your party as seen with Trump, MAGA and QAnon. DeSantis still has
  8. Playing through that now. For the first 3D kirby platformer they knocked it out the park. Did you get around to Metroid Dread? That shit was stellar
  9. The character designs in this one are more in line with the first game. Your quick hot takes are getting more ridiculous by the minute.
  10. How delusional are you? DeSantis is currently running on a culture war platform and acts like a dictator when he tried to go after Disney because they tweeted support against his don't say gay bill. He offers nothing to centrist or democrats. What is his actual platform outside of culture war? He will get republicans who were turned off by Trump and he will get Trump's base who he is currently auditioning for. But outside of that, he's not crossing the aisle one bit.
  11. Right wing media is already grifting towards DeSantis. They want Trump gone but don't want to be the one to do it because they're afraid to lose that base of viewership. So they've been slowly pushing DeSantis in phases, as to ease the base into feeling ok with choosing DeSantis over Trump. Twinblade drinks right wing media kool-aid 24/7 365 and it's a red blooded Cuck-servative so it didn't take much to convince him to start cucking for DeSantis.
  12. That Rusty Bowers Testimony Another lifelong republican, Rusty Bowers the Republican speaker of the house in Arizona just testified under oath that Trump and his team were directly involved in the fake elector plot. Juliani literally told the man "we have lote of theories but no evidence"....... Rusty Bowers responded by saying " I don't want to win by cheating" What's great about this Jan 6th Committee is that the majority of the witnesses are Republicans who voted for Trump and or Republicans from Trump's own teams.
  13. You keep using gameplay to mean combat only.. Lol I like how you post an IGN review to intially make your point that it just a Dynasty Warriors game with an FE skin. But when someone actually reads the review... It says the opposite of what you claimed. The review says that both the social aspect and story are like fire Emblem of old, more specifically three houses. Next time, you should actually read the source you're using before posting it, to avoid having egg on your face
  14. Don't change your stance now. FE: three hopes isn't a Dynasty Warriors game with an FE skin like how FE warriors was. It's a alternative take on the story from three houses. The same IGN review you posted EXPLICITLY makes note of this. Not only that, as I pointed out above the systems, story etc are all straight out of regular FE game and more specifically from the same world as three houses. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes includes pleasant surprises. Unlike the original Fire Emblem Warriors, Three Hopes no longer feels like a musou gam
  15. China also shuns and laughs at Gay men too ..... Are you looking in the mirror and laughing at yourself you big joke of a moron
  16. You misspoke...The combat is dynasty warriors just like persona S was. The rest of the gameplay systems is all Fire Emblem. The IGN review: https://www.ign.com/articles/fire-emblem-warriors-three-hopes-review Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes pushes things farther than ever, adapting everything I love about the strategy franchise outside of its turn-based gameplay for use in an action game. It makes for a robust, overstuffed game with systems, menus, and perk trees all vying for your attention. The storytelling feels just like the Fire Emblem
  17. But DynamiteCop said MS 24 studios would be pumping out tons of games by now, what happened? Hands down the worst first party lineup this year.
  18. It leans more on the Fire Emblem template, like how Persona S leaned on a Persona template. Its not a strait up dynasty warriors game.
  19. @Ramza Live a live is confirmed for the west and is available for pre-order on the US Nintendo eshop
  20. What games does Microsoft have slated for this year? Looking forward to Xenoblade 3 in a few weeks
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