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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. So you're not going to look forward to the Kojima Xbox game then
  2. The plucky squire looks very creative.... Will keep an eye on it.
  3. Tell me you haven't played Street Fighter 3 without saying you haven't played Street Fighter 3.
  4. Curry with 41 on over 50% shooting to tie up the series on the road
  5. A surprise to no one, he has the thinnest skin. Alternative truth social.
  6. It's like you can't read. Despite the war the price on oil is low. The greedy companies are price gouging even though the price of oil is low. They're currently swimming in profits. Policy's were drafted to combat the current situation. Every single republican voted to block the measures to reign in these greedy companies.
  7. The price for a barrel of oil was almost at an all time low. Currently the gas/oil companies are making record profits at the pump ⛽ by price gouging. Every single republican voted a against a new bill that would gave reigned in price gouging at the pump
  8. Millions of people still tuned in despite Fox's best effort to distract them.
  9. Fox fired him because he approved the call of Arizona for Biden. They literally fired him for reporting the news. Meanwhile Hannity and Laura Ingraham are employed after they help spread the election lie, downplay Jan 6th and be the Literal propaganda wing of the Trump white house as seen by the text messages that were released.
  10. Hey doofus, you bbbbut if Rowe vs Wade is overturned it may increase..... Bbbbut if if if if You're saying what MAY Happen IF something happened. I pointed out over 40 years of the right extremists fire bombing Abortion clinics and murdering its workers and clients. When the right doesn't get their way they resort to violence and intimidation
  11. Next up for the committee, the fake elector plot and how it ties into Jan 6th. Look at these crooks squirm
  12. New footage released to the public, including body cam from the capitol police. When the left doesn't get their way they respond with violence and intimidation. Yiiikes
  13. In that scenario you would be wrong genius, years after the gen has ended =/= at the end of this gen
  14. LemiJ being up Jerry, turns around and says don't bring up Jerry No. Day 1s like Sony said... Keep dreaming bitch.
  15. Quite strange that fox isn't covering this..... Oh wait... Their own "news" anchors are implicated in this as the txt messages show, no wonder they aren't covering it... Hmm fair and balanced indeed. Anyways Day 1 of the public hearing showed that early on, Trump and his team was well aware that they lost the election but still pushed the lie that the election was stolen. Trump's attorney General Bill Bar saying as much plain as day. Trump's own daughter saying as much. Tru
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