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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States. And this data was as of 7 years ago... The number of violent attacks against abortion clinics have increased since then. You were saying?
  2. Twinblade says that and then turns around and asks how is a human's life comparable to that of a dog? 😐
  3. Woke doctrine curriculum for schools in there somewhere on an infrastructure bill
  4. As far as you know you say.... Well as we can see you don't know that much to begin with... Your dumbass thought an infrastructure bill included "woke doctrines for schools somewhere" and kept repeating it over and over
  5. Hey Doofus, I gave you TANGIBLE RESULTS. You want to dismiss it because it doesn't fit your narrative and then you turn around and use projections yourself.... Hypocrite much? Let's ignore the data I presented showed WHAT ACTUALLY OCCURRED last year (1 trillion reduction) , what actually OCCURRED for the first 5 months (half a trillion reduction) of this year and projected the next 7 months based the current pace of the debt reduction. Those a tangible results.... Ramza - "bbbbbut those actual results that aren't projections don't cou
  6. LemiJ, DynamiteCop and Slow Jonny thought this was a Banger
  7. Shut the fuck up and Obey the Law
  8. Have a blast with your new laws, you law abiding citizen you
  9. Ramza: Bbbbut I only like projections when it fits my narrative, any other projections oe actual results don't count
  10. Every single republican in the House and Senate voted against funding the police. Biden and the democrats passed a bill to FUND the police. Facts aren't on your side
  11. That was random post of you doing the same thing I said you would do.
  12. K cool, so they should have no issues following these new laws since they're so law abiding
  13. This post encapsulates Twinblade, Ramza and Cooke to a T. Immediately pivots away from their original pointw as soon as they're curb stomped with facts
  14. DynamiteCop - all these studio purchases automatically mean a never ending stream of games this gen, just wait and see. Any day now... It will happen soon... You will see... Umm.. Its almost here...
  15. Not trying to downplay Spiderman as a new game... Never said it wasn't... But it's definitely not a new IP. Sony isn't referring to Spiderman when they say they're going to make more new IPs. They're talking about brand new properties. Not licensed 50 yr old IPs. Now that doesn't mean they aren't going to make new games with OLD IPs.. But for the purposes of this thread we're talking about new IPs.
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