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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. For the type of guns he had... 25 is a good age
  2. He was none of those, he was an incel that gamed on Xbox
  3. Not our fault you're in denial.... Bbbbbbut if it wasn't a success
  4. Turns out he was an incel and a lemming.... Shocker!!! Another former classmate, that he and Ramos were somewhat "close" and used to play Xbox together. A manager at a Wendy’s in Uvalde told The New York Times the Ramos worked there for a year and quit about a month ago. He “went out of the way to keep by himself,” Mendez. The manager then pointed to two workers: “You know how my guys talk to each other and are friendly? He wasn’t like that. No one really knew him.” "He felt like the quiet type, the one who doesn't say much. He didn't really soc
  5. Footage of Quad hiding in his cave for months like a bitch while the Lakers have a historically bad season and fail to even make the 10th or get into the play-in
  6. I never made that other point that you did, that same one you tried to argu against by yourself... You're now again trying to attribute it to me...lmfao. You agreed with my point a long time ago, thanks for playing
  7. You have Remij who agreed Switch achieved this and he explained why and we you who is straight up lying 🤥 or in serious denial bbbbbut If it failed... Bbbbut If
  8. Nothing can change the Lakers historically bad season.... Unless they break their own historically bad record next season
  9. Actually I said LEMMINGS imagine... Thanks for admitting you're a lemming We're witnessing LemiJ in an intense argument with himself... How long can he keep his self ownage going? Have fun spinning around by yourself
  10. It doesn't change you from being wrong about Suns vs Lakers and hiding like a bitch
  11. Now he is making a point I never made an attributing to me and then arguing against a point he made on my behalf.... That's like a solo Remij - go-round Argue with the industry... According to the entire worldwide console video games market... The Switch is dominating said market. Spin all you want
  12. The DHS was already doing the work on working against foreign state sponsored disinformation for over 10 years doofus... What doesn't your child like brain understand? Oh yea.. I forgot.. It was a planed to counter Musk's announcement
  13. Exactly, so argue with yourself about it like I said...
  14. We're living in a reality where Nintendo is dominating, Sony is thriving and was also dominant with PS4 and Xbox is dead last and has ZERO games slated for this year.
  15. No one was making that point doofus, you can argue with yourself about that My point was already proven, thanks for agreeing
  16. Well I mean they still performed leagues better than the Lakers.. Which was what I said proud happen.... Suns losing in round 2 didn't improve the Lakers season
  17. The senate, house etc already knew it was running two months ago. It was announced at the budget meeting. The budget meeting wasn't scheduled around Musk announcement doofus. It's the intial budget meetings for 2023 so it would obviously be announced there since it was up and running genius.
  18. Thanks again for further proving my point that the previous portables were different from the Switch and didn't offer console experiences on the Go or a hybrid experience
  19. Look at all those pretzels you're twisting yourself into to cope with Nintendo's success Switch is competing for the same videogame dollars in the same console market as PlayStation and Xbox. NPD : Switch was #1 units but #2 dollars while PS5 was number 1 in dollars and Number 2 in units. LemiJ : Bbbbbbut that's a different market
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