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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Westbrick was the anchor that pulled you guys further down, LBJ wanted him there though.. Over a bunch of other players who were a better fit. The 2012 Lakers team was above .500 and made the playoffs, had kobe not torn his Achilles they would have made some noise (they weren't a champion team though). This Lakers team was a million games below .500 and couldn't even make the play in tournament after being title favorites at the start of the year (lol at everyone who believed this) .... Worst season in franchise history given the expectations.
  2. LeBron made them frauds... I was a Laker's fan for decades. The same points I outlined in last year's playoff thread about the laker's pre bubble and post bubble turned out to be true. The icing on the cake is that the Suns was the team put the nail in thw coffin and eliminated the Lakers from play in contention... The same suns who have the number 1 seed in the NBA. Those people that claimed to know basketball are pretty quiet right about now
  3. They're already arming them with millions in aid to purchase equipment and artillery. You know the thing republicans recently voted against and tried to block and are actively saying that the US should stop aiding Ukraine and just let Russia win.
  4. Still not a peep from you on Trump's children who used their positions in the white house to make billions in shady deals with the Chinese and the Saudi's.... And let's not Forget Trump's own unregistered offshore Swiss accounts while he was president, not actually divesting any of his businesses while president and his Tax return that he refused to make public for 6 years running....and last but not least.. Taking classified documents with him after he was no longer president, destroying and tearing up many of them
  5. At minimum 3 billion while holding a white house position. Not a peep was heard from @Cookeand @Twinbladeabout this for four years. Fair and balanced they say
  6. That would have to do with the hospitals being overrun by Covid19 patients... Which is directly related to states with the highest rates... Which again the top 6 were all republican It's also directly related to post vaccination availability, over 90% of covid hospitalizations were unvaxxed people. And finally Even if a Democratic state was on lockdown, essential services like Hospitals, Groceries and Pharmacies were all open doofus.
  7. Play in tournament start tonight should be interesting
  8. Goukosan


    Source for this chart?
  9. Those aren't US sanctions, those are European, why do you keep conflating the two?
  10. Meanwhile Ivanka was just racking up Chinese patents, millions upon millions in cash WHILE SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE and WHILE TRUMP was president. And then her husband, Trump's son in law got BILLIONS from the Saudis. @Cooke did not say a peep for four years about that.. On one word. Fair and Balanced he says
  11. Playoff picture and play in picture Let's go.
  12. If Trump was actually able to keep his promise and pull out of Afghanistan, you think he wouldn't have left that equipment there?
  13. So that makes Trump a Russian bot, because he has been defending and praising Putin for over 5 years now
  14. Well if you would stop flip flopping and actually take up a stance for once. Is NATO useless or are they the a 40 nation galactic empire?
  15. Trying to backtrack I see. Oooh so now you didn't believe NATO was useless, it was you just using Russia's words huh? Lmfao You're talking out of both sides if your mouth. We already saw you defending that claim that Nato is useless and then you flip flop back to they're a huge threat, then back to useless then back to a threat again...you can't keep up with your own bullshit
  16. You clearly said yes when I asked you if Ukraine was apart of NATO, I guess after you got embarrassed you decided to Google it and realized how stupid you sounded Once again you're back to saying NATO is useless, but at the Sametime they're a huge galactic empire of nations that's a huge threat to Russia.... Flip flop much?
  17. The Afghanistan withdrawal is something Trump himself wanted to do but couldn't accomplish, yes the process wasn't as smooth as we would have liked it to be, but it got done. Kinda like infustructure, Trump couldn't get it done in 48 months, but Biden did it in 10 months
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