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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. "Ukraine president calls for more Russia sanctions" https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-says-russia-must-be-brought-justice-2022-04-07/ Well look at that, he wants even more sanctions. @Twinblade on the other hand seems to know what the Ukrainian president wants more than the Ukrainian president knows for himself
  2. For someone who claims to don't give a shit you sure do spend alot of energy and get all riled up and fuming defending Xbox So are you finally ready to stand behind the 1/3 of the market for this gen claims or are you still a pussy ass motherfucker?
  3. Have you been able to spend more time with Kirby? If so, how is it overall?
  4. Aside from the fact that every handheld was fully backwards compatible with the previous model and that they already stated for Switch they want the games to move forward with you like it does with Android and iOS then yes there is a reason to be concerned.
  5. There are three systems in the market doofus, MS had yet to win a single gen and this gen ain't looking that much different. Your best hope is for them to maybe get a 1/3 by this gen, but even that you're not confident enough to commit to it
  6. Xbox was either last or 2nd the last 4 to 5 months. You're HOPING it wins next NPD. Hope is not a victory, it's a wish. Lemming hope and dreams
  7. Well I listed out somethings but yet still haven't said what argument I lost LemiJ Stop trying to start a go around and take a stance you coward ass lemming
  8. Again LemiJ lost what argument? Are the numbers for NPD out? Is Xbox still in last place? Have you yet decided if you think Xbox will get a 1/3 of the market? Or you're still not confident enough to take an actual stance? All this lemming behavior from you but you wonder why you're called LemiJ
  9. Lost what argument? I wasn't going around in circles with you This is the type of shit I said because you finally stopped pretending to not care about Xbox... We all knew it, you were just lying to yourself
  10. At least least LemiJ has dropped the "bbbbut im not a lemming" act and is now fully embracing his lemming hood
  11. The game sold over 800,000 at launch, demo seemed to have to sold it just fine.
  12. We're back to Teh flu comparisons from two years ago Only over 50 something percent of the elderly and vulnerable population in those states with the increase are boosted. It's a temporary pause to see what impacts this surge has, if it's minimal it will be removed. Calm your man tits.
  13. I can't believe we are more than 2 years into this thing and dumb asses like you and Cooke need this to be constantly explained to you. Little kids are carriers that can spread it from house hold to house hold from catching it in school and before you know it we have another outbreak again. As they said two weeks ago, if the numbers increase they would pause it for a while. "New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut are reporting growth in new cases of more than 40 percent over two weeks."
  14. What does you getting curb stomped on the political board have to do with a game demo.... Projecting much? This isn't the first game where you had unrealistic expectations from a demo and it won't be the last.
  15. They didn't go back on their word, you need to learn to read. 2 weeks ago - "They said the mandate will be lifted, as long as the risk level stays low." Today - "That's why we are recommending to wait a little bit longer to make masks optional for this age group".. Vasan said You can holdoff on your fake outrage now.
  16. You make it political then complain its political It would have been looked at regardless because of the size of the merger. It's that simple.
  17. The ending of that sentence says - "Twinblade always expect the demo to give you the full story beats" In further responses I clarified further - "The meat and potatoes of the story won't be in the demo." As it turns out the story beats are much better than and the meat and potatoes are in the main game than the demo. Who would have thought that? .... Amazing
  18. The meat and potatoes of the story won't be in the demo doofus, a demo is a small slice of the full game.
  19. If I seem to remember correctly you kept bringing up Trump when the conflict first started, until he opened his dumb mouth and start sucking Putin's dick.... Now you want to act like bringing up his comment are off topic? Trump praising Putin's invasion of Ukraine and asking Putin for help is current news and is indefensible... You have yet to condemn Trump's stance on this
  20. There is story in the demo, but that wasn't that focus of the demo. Twinblade always expect the demo to give you the full story beats, or show you all the gameplay mechanics. A demo is always a small slice of thr game. And 10 out of 10 times it's more gameplay focused than story focused.
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