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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. People forget Will laughed at the Joke... It was Jada that was upset from Jump.
  2. The surface pro is your best bet. Ive had one since 2019, full desktop functionality in a tablet form factor. Nice and compact. Never going back to laptops. Get the bundle that comes with the keyboard. I also have the surface pen and the mouse as well.
  3. The orginal story was started by QAnon. Did you forget that Rudy never shared the "explosive material" that was always coming soon. How about Tucker Carlson who claimed to have the materials but it got lost in the mail. Everytime it's time for the Bombshell material to surface they magically have nothing to show.. Mmm...that's strange
  4. Tell me you believe Russian propaganda without telling me you believe Russian propaganda Coincidentally the new emails that are "found" on his laptop align with the Russian propaganda that is now being pushed
  5. The hunter Biden biolabs conspiracy theory is actually from QAnon, Chinese state TV, Russian state TV and Tucker Carlson, and you know all them are known as The purveyors of Truth "A version of a false conspiracy theory about Ukrainian biolabs that holds that Hunter Biden is connected to those labs was spread by the Russian government, Chinese state media, and Fox News host Tucker Carlson, after supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory and users on far-right message boards pushed the claim." " In late February, a false conspiracy theory spread online --
  6. So by that extension your hunter Biolab thread is all lies as you just admitted. In any event, Trump is calling for Russia to create and spread the Hunter propaganda doofus, just like he tried to get Zelensky to do the same thing just over a year ago.
  7. Good thing we have a president who has vowed to fund the police with the resources they need to be properly trained and also resources incidents that police shouldn't be handling in the first place. Contrast that to the former president who wanted the police to ne armed to the teeth like q local military.
  8. If Putin had dirt on Hunter Biden they wouldn't need Trump to ask Putin to release it. Putin would do everything in his power to attack Biden and his administration as well as splinter the United States.
  9. It's not bullshit when Russia actually acts on it. He is a former president of the United States. He is still a powerful voice for the republicans. You can't hand wave it away.
  10. Lol boasting about Emulation in 2022 lol Switch has been an emulation machine for years now. Welcome to the party
  11. Trump asks Putin to release any info about Hunter Biden Both Democrats and Republicans have criticized Trump for calling Putin a "genius" for his bloody military campaign in Ukraine. "Amid widespread criticism of his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin, former President Donald Trump publicly called on Putin on Tuesday to release any dirt he might have on Hunter Biden, the president’s son." And then the very next day Russian State TV starts calling Trump their partner and the Hunter bio lab propaganda picks up steam right on cue.
  12. Read the 2nd tweet idiot and they're both connected. Lol at you trying to spin it that I believe the propaganda when you and Cooke are the one posting about Hunter Biden and his supposed role in Ukraine Bio labs.... Aka falling for the propaganda. Trump opened the door for this type of Russian propaganda about him by once again asking Russia for help just a few days ago
  13. Just a mere days after Trump publicly asked Russia to release "dirt" on Hunter Biden, now all of a sudden he is involved in Ukraine Bio labs. They're even boasting about the propaganda on Russian State TV and how it will assist their Partner Trump. And now they are calling for regime change in the US back to their partner Trump.
  14. Your defense of your made up scenario in your head that you're claiming is a double standard for something that did not happen is that other people also said the same dumb shit? QAnon shit must be true then because more than one person believes it huh?
  15. Trump is now asking Putin to release "dirt" on Hunter Biden. While the world is turning their backs on Russia, Trump is not only calling Russia's invasion "genius" he is now asking Putin for help in spreading propaganda for his political gain.
  16. Bbbbut Nintendo and Sony going to follow gamepass any day now.. It must happen soon right... Right?
  17. You made up an imaginary scenario and then claimed a double standard for the imaginary scenario you made up.
  18. @Mr. Impossible He sees Will Smith slap Chris Rock and immediately wonders about what would happen if it were a white man. What did race have to do with that slap? Lol
  19. Thay what you call him your "wife?". Remember you don't live in people's imagination and people shouldn't live in yours
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