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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Just like you she has a medical condition, except hers is physical while yours is mental.
  2. Asking you a question is not putting words into your mouth. That's me giving you the opportunity to state if you think MS will get 1/3 of the market. Obviously maybe they will or will not... That's not what im asking. I'm asking if you think they will. If you feel they will... Cool. But If you're not confident that they will that's ok bud.
  3. Again what does sanction have to do with do with planes doofus? He said it weeks ago because the US took the lead on the sanctions and were the first to do so Sanctions + Aid (be is money to purchase equipment or equipment Itself) The US is giving tons of Aid + were the first country to sanction, which Zelensky is happy with and he wasn't happy that Europe took so long to follow America's lead. It still burns you that Zelensky praised Biden's leadership
  4. What does the planes have to do with the sanctions doofus?
  5. Asking for planes doesn't mean that Ukraine isn't happy with the sanctions you dense clown 🤡.
  6. Shocker..... Sony first party games that sell gangbusters at retail won't be given away for free day one on a subscription service? You don't say... Lol MS had to put first party games day 1 because that shit was selling that great at retail. Delusional lemmings and their delusional expectations expecting Sony to follow the same loser model as MS
  7. So to confirm you think MS will improve to basically 1/3 of the console market?
  8. Partner has literally been used for centuries. In a BF/GF setting it means a slightly more serious relationship. Married couples use that term all the time as well. You need to get out more.. Lol
  9. Hey Genius, calling them your partner doesn't mean you don't also call them Babe to their face or say my girlfriend. How stupid are you?
  10. Im quoting the Ukrainian president, I'm not speculating shit. Meanwhile your entire point is a speculation
  11. You have no point, you claimed the sanctions aren't helping Ukraine, Zelensky disagrees with you. You claimed he said it came too late... When in fact he said the European sanctions came to late, but he was pleased that US did it first and had hoped other countries would have done it soon after the US. Its quite apparent you can't read. He is saying Putin won't stop in Ukraine and he wants go against NATO nations. "It wants to go further. Against the eastern members of NATO. The Baltic states, Poland — that's for sure." It burns
  12. He said it so boldly too.. Lol.... about him not subscribing to people's imagination... Its like he forgot who he is... Or maybe he thinks it doesn't apply to him for some reason
  13. If you had a GF before or were in many relationships before you would know that at a certain stage you call her your partner. Has nothing to do with wokeness, that's been happening since the beginning of time.
  14. Zelensky -"Had a substantive conversation with @POTUS. Gave him the assessment of the situation on the battlefield, informed about the crimes of Russia against the civilian population. We agreed on further steps to support the defense of Ukraine and increase sanctions against Russia." Zelensky said it himself, it BURNS YOU TO ADMIT IT
  15. Your going in circles because apparently you know more about Ukraine than Zelensky, read it again and weap
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