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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The Xbox version sold soooo poorly that the non-existent Switch version sales are closer to the Xbox sales than the Xbox sales are to PS and PC
  2. The USA split aren't going to be that much different. Xbox share will be a little bigger but overall it will still bw much lower than PC and PS.
  3. Steam spy numbers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off. Glad we can finally put that as a metric to bed.
  4. Where did I say it was treasonous what she said? Trying to create an argument against a point I never made? She said the labs are US funded labs that are doing research on harmful pathogens. That's a lie and Russian propaganda. The labs aren't US funded or run by the US to do any research on pathogens for the US. There is a US funded program that started in the 90s to decommission the bio weapons in these old soviet era labs and since 2015 the program ensures that these labs do not create any new Biological weapons. That's it for US involvement.
  5. Says the guy who is so triggered he thinks everything is woke... Even work crunch
  6. They're talking about work crunch, not woke shit. I swear you see everything through that lens lol
  7. Says the guy who has yet to post evidence that Gore did this same things and that every four years the losing candidate submits fake certifications from false electors that were not duly elected to actually be electors
  8. 44% on PC, 41% on PS Only 16% on Xbox FYI this includes digital as well. That's a huge fucking gap between everyone else and Xbox.
  9. Hey retard, no one is talking about having two set of electors (Republican and democrat) or about the ceremonial contests in congress. All that is normal and legal. This is about them having fake electors, submit fake certifications in ab effort to subvert the process. They weren't actually the real electors. They were not the duly elected electors for any of those 7 states and these fake certifications were not submitted by the state legislature. You can try to spin around that all you want but those are the facts. And you have yet still to
  10. They're looking at it because because it was an attempt to subvert the process as Joe Biden was already certified the winner by the state legislatures. The majority of them were not even alternative electors, they submitted fake certifications for 7 states fraudulently. You still have yet to show Gore doing this as you claimed or how it happens every four years. First you claimed the state legislature sent those fake electors in - false. Then you claimed its Gore did it - false. Then you claimed that it happens every four years -
  11. What don't you understand? The state legislature submitted the elector certifications for those 7 states certifying Joe Biden. The fake elector certifications that said Trump won WAS NOT SUBMITTED by those 7 state legislatures. You claiming this the normal process is a flat out lie as seen by the Department of Justice now looking into this attempt to subvert the process.
  12. That has no bearing on this because challenging electors is legal and ceremonial. Submitting fake electors, with fake certifications knowing damn well it was as fraudulent because the state legislature already submitted the certifications is not the same.
  13. The state legislatures already submitted the certifications for those 7 states that Biden won doofus. Trump's Fake electors were not actual electors, not appointment, not certified, not anything. You made a claim that it happened with Al gore, provide the proof. You also claimed it happens every four years of candidates losing and then conspiring to send fake certifications. Provide the proof.
  14. It gets even worse. Half the studio quit because of how MS is managing the studio
  15. And that's why starting WW3 wouldn't be a good move (which is what I said). But let's not parrot Russia's fake strong man act as if it were real.
  16. Insurrection - "a violent uprising against an authority or government" Why were those people in the capitol om Jan 6th? What was going on in congress that they were trying to stop? Who sent them there to try to stop it? Let me be very clear since you're playing dumb. Trump submitted fake electoral college certificates which falsely claimed he won those states and it was certified. This was AFTER it was already settled that Joe Biden won. There wasn't anything to settle we Trump had no case to bring forth. Show me in Bush vs Gore where Gore su
  17. Lol while I agree starting WW3 is not the best move. Russia only pretends to be a strong military country. Same with their Nukes, not nearly as much as they're pretending to have. Russia is not the superpower that everyone was lead to believe.
  18. That's a false equivalency. Challenging a state where the margin of victory was ridiculous small is legal and happens every election, nothing is wrong with that. That's totally different from submitting fake electors (knowing damn well it was fake) while also trying to stop the certification of the real electors and on top of that also inciting an insurrection.
  19. Who submitted fake electors in 2016 in an effort to steal an election, while enticing an insurrection to stop the certification of the real electors? When did that happen in 2016?
  20. This thread is about loony toon conspiracy theories of the Right and QAnon.
  21. Doesn't matter. It's the intent of bis actions. If I film a murder that I'm an accomplice to I don't get a lighter sentence because my own footage was the evidence used to take me down. Cmon now.
  22. Name me some conspiracy theories on the left that even comes close to this loony Q anon shit
  23. He was still involved though, he thought they were doing the right thing. His own footage was used against him it's not like he was recording the capture a crime.
  24. The two party system is not the reason the right is filled with loony toon folks.
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