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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. It's like the sanctions are umm working. It's ok, you can say it
  2. The Biden Administration is calling for the oil companies to INCREASE drilling right here in America. Anything else you care to make up? Biden shut down US importing oil from Russia. Curious how you were calling for that and when it happened you all of a sudden went silent. Even before the war, drilling within then US has increased under Biden and now he is calling for the oil companies to increase that even further. In the interim, the oil has to come from somewhere (hence the talks with Venezuela and the Saudis) until the Oil compani
  3. The data has to be verified Cooke. If this study is valid it will be reviewed independently before it is adopted for mass user for covid. The last time their data was verified it was pure bullshit. Let's see what happens this time around.
  4. It is a conflict of interest when, the organization (FLACC) directly profits from the use of the horse drug all while claiming they don't have any "relationships or activities to influence the work" To the point that they're merchandising it.... they're selling Tshirts, mugs and cups touting the drug. Not only that, this isn't the first time FLACC did a study on the supposed benefits of the horse paste to treat Covid19. The first study they did that was also peer reviewed by people with a conflict of interest.... The next step is to open it up for independent r
  5. Steam deck wouldn't be what it is if the Switch didn't exist
  6. None of the Xbox consoles can hit 60fps, not even series X with VRR or even in back compatibility mode
  7. https://www.aol.com/biden-announces-u-ban-russian-163729720.html Biden blocks Russian oil imports to the US
  8. Never heard of them, but unlike you I can admit that they're wrong for that. Can you admit Trump was wrong for supporting Putin in this? Can you admit Fox and Tucker was wrong for backing Putin on this?
  9. What does ratings have to do with them pushing Russia propaganda? Fox is the only major far right cable news network so all far right eyes are on them, viewership on the left is split between CNN and MSNBC. When you look at total viewership of right vs left its basically even. But again that has nothing to do with Fox siding with Putin. The damage of Fox doing that is already done as the base are now spit balling conspiracies about Ukraine and spinning Putin as the good guy in all of this. Disgusting of you to downplay Fox and far right media stance on
  10. It was disengenous, with the purpose of continuing the narrative for the right that the sanctions are useless. Which surprise surprise is also the message Putin wants the world to believe. Fox knows this and she knows this too. Did you forget that their assets were frozen as well? It's not just Boats and properties etc. Billions upon Billions of their money in banks around the world have been frozen. You have Oligarchs now rushing to sell off what ever assets they have on hand now.
  11. Tucker, the Five, OAN and Newsmax. Yes Fox has since back tracked on their Putin Praise because it blew up in their faces.
  12. My right leaning Karen friends are comparing their "fight for their freedoms" over mask and vaccine mandates over the last two years during the pandemic to Ukraine's fight for their freedom against the Russian invasion. They're also spit balling theories that Putin is playing the good guy here to expose Ukraine's corruption with the Biden's. And some other nut ball theories they pulled out of their asses to make America or more specifically the Biden Administration the bad guys in this conflict. They would rather support Putin and Russia than the current administration.
  13. Tulsi has been a Russian stooge, it's just now plain for everyone to see.... Well everyone except Cooke.
  14. That cool, the post pandemic plans don't call for constant boosters though.
  15. Tulsi has been a Russian stooge, it's just now plain for everyone to see.... Well everyone except Cooke.
  16. This was supposed to be a launch title to crush PS5 and catapult Xbox back to dominance! 1!1!1!
  17. Lmfao you dropped that angle of it happening before the sanctions quickly... What happened? Once again you don't understand that the sanctions are to PUNISH RUSSIA its having the intended effect. Have you seen how many companies and other nations have followed America's lead? Ukraine is getting military aide (ammo, vehicles, money etc) from the US and the west. Aide is literally the opposite of a sanction and that's helping Ukraine. Anything more than that would lead to a world War.
  18. Man why did you bury the lead? I was slow walking Cooke towards this lol No she's isn't misinformed, she knows Putins motives and she knows of his demands. What she is doing is spreading Russian misinformation by knowingly spouting that Putin had "legitimate" concerns BS, that Ukraine is not a democracy and that it's president is a tyrant.
  19. Not only was that after the sanctions were in place, if Russians were already uprising against the war.... What do you think all the additional sanctions etc will do? Like I said... It burns you to admit the sanctions are working.
  20. Yea remember those "brave" truckers that were "fighting" for their "freedoms" in Canada because Canada had become a Tyranny...lmfao. First world problems. But this shit, real life shit.... Meh.. Just an inconvenience.
  21. Do you have proof of it being before the sanctions were announced.
  22. Putin's actions aren't justified no mater how you and Tulsi try to spin it. That was Putin's excuse to invade Ukraine because he thought the west would start world War 3 and prove him right about his "legitimate" concerns .... But that didn't happen. And now by him invading Ukraine, he actually made a case for Ukraine to become a part of NATO to protect itself from future invasions by Russia
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