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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The ripple effects of the sanctions and the entire internal community coming together to support Ukraine and basically cancel Russia, sending them to the dark ages.. Is something Putin didn't foresee. Whatever legacy Putin had has gone up in flames.
  2. Meanwhile we have Warhawks calling for America to "man up and show force" put boots on the ground and start world War 3.
  3. I don't know why lemmings still think digital sales will make up the gap in game sales for Xbox. News flash... Xbox doesn't sell enough games to make up any gaps, digital or retail or otherwise. Games sell more on EVERYTHING than Xbox. It's been like that since the end of the 360 era and it doesn't look to be changing anytime soon.
  4. Quick reminder, the first true open world game was Zelda 1 on NES but I digress. On one hand ghostz is being ridiculous by calling it a BOTW clone (clone would imply that it's a carbon copy)... He's just being a retard as per usual. on the other hand you're also saying NOTHING in Elden Ring was inspired by BOTW.. Which is also not true. Games do not exist in a bubble and developers take inspiration from certain aspects of other games all the time. That in no way takes anything way from Elden Ring.
  5. I finished the first level and briefly played level 2. Just to check out how it plays real quick. It's classic kirby but in a 3D world, pun intended... Because it reminds me so much of 3D world and that's a good thing. You can initiate the download from the ehsop using the link on your smartphone, so by the time you get home it's ready to go. https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/kirby-and-the-forgotten-land-switch/ Speaking of which, did you ever get around to playing Bowser's Fury?
  6. The backtracking by Faux News has begun now that their whole backing up Putin started back firing spectacularly. Their base has the memory of a single cell organism and will act as if Faux and Co always were against Biden.
  7. So what are you saying huh? Once you start threatening Nuclear war what's next genius? In the run up to the election, When you swore up and down that Biden was a Warhawk because Faux News told u so... You were up in arms. Now you're calling for the United states to get into a nuclear threat war with another nuclear power? How dense are you really? 🤔
  8. It means that the probability of them being Hospitalized is very very low doofus. You know the purpose for the vaccine right? Lol
  9. Damn not only are you a war hawk, you're also a NUCLEAR war hawk too....
  10. Bbbut teh sanctions wouldn't do anything
  11. Twinblade is now a Warhawk, calling for America to start worldwar 3
  12. By saying it's a BOTW clone. It uses some elements from BOTW but it's not a clone.
  13. The level of interactivity with the physics engine (how objects influence the way things move) in combination with the Chemistry engine (how elements change the state of materials and other elements) and the freedom to experiment with this on an true open scale was the co star of its open world deign. That's what developers praised, it wasn't just simply because it was a true open world go anywhere from the start game.
  14. Can you like take a class or something on how to read data. Like Stats 101, DB101 or something? This is like the billionth time you misinterpreted data
  15. LemiJ and the lemmings are running out of excuses, they're currently in the process of testing out new Damage control as seen with his dumb ass post
  16. No that what happens when you have a virus that mutates quickly. The vaccines were created when the orginal strain was rampant that's why the effects were so great against the OG Covid19 (98%). When it mutated to Delta, the effectiveness dropped because again it was made prior to Delta, but it was still more effective than nothing (90.7%). Omicron spread more easily but what thankfully less deadly. It didn't matter at that point because the Vaccine got us through from the orginal strain all the way through Delta. And now we're at a
  17. Based on your misunderstanding of the data as seen below when you tried to explain why you felt that way.
  18. That wasn't Cooke's point he said that it's only 12% when they claimed it was 90.7%. If he took two seconds to actually read something fully and not continually be intellectually lazy then he would have realized how stupid he looks once again. Those other two varients still exist FYI. It's not as prevalent anymore because the majority of the population was thankfully vaccinated against it.
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