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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. MP4 trailer releasing fall 24 or spring 25 Silk song shadow drop MP2 remaster shadow drop Xenoblade X definitive edition
  2. Who said they were funding the 3rd party games wholesale? Stop making shit up. They have to pay to put those 3rd party games on GP. Individually too, individual deals per title. Then again like I said they have to hope they get enough subs that stay on long term to recoup the cost of investing in the GP model. Compared to the 30% cut they get from a traditional sale of a 3rd party title in which they had zero investment. That is 100% profit. According to NPD, gamepass has stagnated and is the loss leader in terms of profits. MS has now inves
  3. The 3rd party games are not coming to GP for free genius. You were comparing it to the 30% they get from a regular sale of a 3rd party game. That 30% cut comes at zero investment. That's 100% profit. Whereas on GP they have to pay to even get the game on the service and then try to recoup it through subs before they can start turning a profit. GP is still the loss leader in profits.
  4. And Microsoft sees even less in the sub model because they have to pay millions just to get the 3rd party games on the service. Whereas in the purchase model they're making 30% on all 3rd party games. Games they had to pay 0% to have on its system.
  5. No it's not better 1vs 1 income wise, that's why MS has to now go full 3rd party because gamepass was not bringing in the $$ to justify the cost of the games. There's not a single sub model where one sub is greater than 1 purchase.
  6. Don't move the goal post dipshit...the two leading candidates are old as dirt. That's not the point. What's disingenuous is you saying he was wandering and that he froze. The majority of the vids you have posted about shit like this have been edited or altered... That's disingenuous dumbass. No need to be a disingenuous cunt rag to say that he is old.
  7. That's alot of "let's say this and let's say that" to spin around the fact that 1 sub isn't equal to 1 purchase
  8. @Alphonse can we fix attaching tweets. Tweets don't inbed anymore on SW.
  9. 1 sub isn't better than one purchase dip shit. With any subscription model, it takes several subs for it to be equal to one purchase. Like I said.. Lemmings aren't too bright
  10. Oh look surprise surprise... Another disingenuous vid by Cooke. https://x.com/EdKrassen/status/1802496803113242822?s=19
  11. Yes you're a desingenous cunt just like I fucking said.
  12. Hey at least you finally stopped pretending
  13. What's hilarious is that dude boasting about being an incel
  14. You posted a video claiming Biden wandered off and once that was debunked... You immediately say "who gives a shit what he wa actually doing"... You just undercut yourself you dumb cunt
  15. It will happen Any day now.... I'll be right, just wait and see in 30 years in will happen
  16. And there we have it. Disingenuous just like I said
  17. Walked over to the other para diver and gave a thumbs up to him as the community notes pointed out. The coverage of this is disingenuous because they're cutting the other person out the frame. So now community notes are disingenuous and edited videos and pictures aren't disingenuous.. Lmfao.
  18. Almost 100% of these videos you post are disingenuous.
  19. You immediately defended your position on celebrating the death of Xbox and MS embracing full 3rd party... If this didn't apply to you, don't respond to defend yourself
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