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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Ohh so you were fine with it having a 720p screen huh? You must have been the only cow in existence who didn't compare Switch to Vita when it was announced by saying Vita launched with an OLED and Switch didn't You're asking not to be painted with the same brush... While painting others with it? Lol
  2. More imagination and delusion from you, early onset Dementia huh? Damn.. Seek help.
  3. Ohhh she was forced to become a grifter... Ohhh.... Lmfao uh huh.
  4. The same republicans who are praising Putin and are spreading Russian propaganda? Those Republicans? Just admit it, their stance on this is indefensible. You know that's true
  5. It's ok to admit the Republicans, right wing media and Trump's stance on the Russian Ukraine conflict is indefensible.
  6. @Cooke well look at that. Your hero Tulsi was a grifter all along. Just like we told you
  7. Faux News... Hard hitting Journalism right there
  8. The entire far right takes their cue from Trump. Trump praising Putin for invading Russia falls right in line with what Fox, News Max and OAN have been pushing on their networks
  9. How about this clown 🤡? This anyone listen to him? "Brilliant move" "Pretty Smart" "He's taken over a country" which is the same propaganda Aza was spewing..... Trump was saying this the night before the invasion as if he assumed it would be immediately successful...just like Putin
  10. Show us CNN hosts serving as the Literal propaganda wing for the white house like Hannity, Laura Enghram etc where. Im sure you've caught up to the txt message news by now Or how about Fox News Literally airing Russian Propaganda praising Putin move to invade Ukraine? Should be easy to find.
  11. It's as if the the right wing media's push that Russia is the good guy was just propaganda huh? Even China isn't on board.
  12. While we send aid to support Ukraine by land and air in their fight against Russia We have Fox news, OAN and news max supporting Russia's invasion and straight up pushing Russian propaganda on American Airwaves. "my values align more with Putin than Joe Biden" "It's hard to make putin villain" "Ukraine is not a country, its a concept" "putin kicked the out and locked it down like a good dictator does" "Ukraine is not a democracy" "what did Putin do to you, why do
  13. It's not a long term solution but it will have long term effects. Putin believed his own hype and underestimated Ukraine and assumed they would cave easily. It's not over by a long shot but so far Putin is looking not so "intelligent and smart" for invading a sovereign nation unprovoked.
  14. Yes Putin miscalculated what would happen. The sanctions now will have an even greater effect on crippling his fallback plans Russia's "smart and intelligent" move to invade Ukraine is back firing spectacularly After making all those strong man threats about such a great and mighty force blah blah blah...Ukraine is holding firm.
  15. You're so traumatized your coping mechanism is to pretend it didn't happen. If that makes you feel better then keep telling yourself that
  16. When Switch launched enthusiast killed it for not having an OLED, killed it for having an LCD (even though it was a great IPS LCD screen at the time) and claimed the screen should have been 1080p instead of 720p. 5 years later, turns out those same deal breakers aren't deal breakers anymore and 720p is perfect for a portable... Funny how that works. Turns out 720p was the right choice given its form factor.
  17. Not saying it's a deal breaker per se but For the premium device and enthusiast market the deck is going after the screen should have been better.
  18. Is this your only response to discussions about the deck?
  19. Again, I spoke about the deck only having 68% sRGB and poor visibility outside with no mention of Switch. You guys started the comparison to Switch and I responded to that. The deck can be discussed without a Switch comparison. You don't have to run to Switch each time, you can actually discuss the deck on its own merit.
  20. Talking objectively about the deck has nothing to do with Switch. If I was baiting or bothered by deck you would have a point, but I'm neither.
  21. Linus has no credibility now? He is reputable enough for DF to factor in his hardware analysis. Turns out the system currently can't download games in the background or in sleep mode. It has to be on the entire time for the games to download. Obviously that will be patched in the future, but that should have been available at launch.
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