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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Key Phrase... For the most part... But At the key stress points.. PS5 WINS OUT.
  2. No, that came out later. The day the news broke, they thought all COD was going exclusive. Then when Sony said the next day that they believe MS will honor contracts.... Lemmings said... That's Sony's hopes and dreams. Then lemmings starting saying "after 2023 every COD would be Exclusive to Xbox" Then Phil came out and said Nah they're staying 3rd party snd expanding to Nintendo too... Lol lemmings lol
  3. Yes for the most part... Except when at the stress points where the PS5 wins out. Ghostz doesn't know what the for the most part means...he thinks it means all the time... What a dumbass
  4. Let's pretend that lemmings didn't think that MS was going to make COD exclusive to Xbox
  5. "It's worth stressing that both consoles are largely tied, locked to the 60fps line in almost every test, every scene. But if we're to push the engine hard to find the divide, PS5 is the console that wins out." For example, the taxing market run runs 5-10fps to the better on the Sony machine. PS5 also runs more fluidly in the stress point driving past Tom's Diner, and in the alley shoot-out test that follows it. For the most part you'll be seeing a 60fps update on both machines - and crucially, Xbox Series X's VRR support does a phenomenal job of masking the performanc
  6. No they didn't say it masks all, can you read? Lmfao. They said "For the most part" it does mask. For the most part =/= all. This also ties into what they said about when they pushed both machines... Series X lost out to PS5. So "for the most part" VRR masks it... But doesn't mask all when they push the system. That's why PS5 won out, because it performed better Fucking dumb ass
  7. I don't care to get under yout skin or not.. Who gives a shit... Lol The point is, it's always some excuse for Series X when series X continues to underperform. Bbbbbbut is all you clowns say when it comes to Xbox
  8. Even without VRR the PS5 version runs better "But if we're to push the engine hard to find the divide, PS5 is the console that wins out. For example, the taxing market run runs 5-10fps to the better on the Sony machine"
  9. Dat cope. It's always an excuse, what happened... Teh tools still haven't matured on Series X as yet? You guys are running out of excuses as to why games are better on PS5. Now it's basically, teh developer made the PS5 version better than Xbox just to get back on Sony's good side, that must be it
  10. DF - "PS5 is the console that wins everytime" Guess teh tools still aren't mature on Series X
  11. Cooke posts another uninformed post that is based on shit he heard from his right wing media sources that tells him what to think. We respond and Actual facts that show once again Cooke is a low information ignoramus. Cooke's response... Memes. Lmfao what a dumbass.. Lmfao.
  12. Surprise surprise... Cooke and Twinblade are clueless about shit they're defending. Color me shocked that they had no idea what they were talking about!!!!!! Nah who am I kidding
  13. Yes Doofus, an in game in engine cut scene tends to look better than gameplay.. No shit.
  14. You mean in an in game cut scene looks better than gameplay..... Like no shit Sherlock
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if Twinblade's room looks like this. And no that's not a parody that's actually one of these MAGA clown's room
  16. That's exactly why the deck is for. The Switch was eating into steam indie game sales. To the point that some games that previously would be steam first started being Switch first..... Or if it was released simultaneously with the Steam version, the switch version would get all the mind share. So it's not that Nintendo and its fans are the one's worried about Deck, it was Valve themselves that were threatened by Switch eating into their game sales so they created their own Steam Switch.
  17. "this internet guy got into the office of the president the white house" (in reference to the claim that Trump was spied on in the white house) Unfortunately the facts aren't in your favor. The white house data from the Durham report is for 2015 - 2016, Obama was president. Those are the facts. But wait.. You might be on to something here...... OMG the DNC was spying on Obama .
  18. That's not a technicality. It's a strait up lie. Durham never claimed any infiltration or spying on the Trump white house as the actual facts show...
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