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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Not only are you low information your dumbass cannot read, It says FORMER... Do you know what former means? Mueller wasn't an FBI Director for the probe.. Those are the facts. The probe was to investigate Russian interference. Those are the facts. The FBI Director (James Comey) announced an investigation into Hillary Clinton WHILE SHE WAS A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. So your claim that the FBI wouldn't have announced the probe was to investigate a presidential candidate because "that would be kind of crazy"... Is also wrong.. Lmfao
  2. Hey retard I already told you read the OP. Here let me post ir for you since you missed it. Cooke posted in the OP - Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says. Durham never claimed anything of the sort (the highlight part) because nothing was infiltrated at Trump tower and the white
  3. My god you are low information as fuck 1) Mueller was not the FBI Director for the probe doofus, he was the special council. 2) No it wouldn't be crazy for the FBI Director to come out and say they're investigating a presidential candidate... Because that actually happened when the FBI Director announced that same thing with Hillary Clinton. 3) while investigating Russian inference a number of Trump's top campaign staff dirt came to light as foreign agents and their conspiracy against the United States, which FYI they pleaded guilty to... So that w
  4. You keep proving how low information you are Direct from the justice department - https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/appointment-special-counsel "Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein today announced the appointment of former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters." Ramza - bbbbbut the investigation indicted over 34 people (including members of th
  5. So after all of this you prove my point. He never claimed it numb nuts... And the white house data in question was from 2015 - 2016 before Trump was even president doofus
  6. You're almost as bad as Twinblade bbbbut if if if, but maybe but but but if you dig deep enough trust me you will see your hopes aren't facts. The facts are the Mueller probe lead to tons of indictments that your low information ass called a dud.. Lmfao.
  7. Yup, imagine Trump is attacking Pence his own VP for not going along with the plot to try to steal an election. Let mw repeat, the President of the United States at the time attacked his Vice President for not going along with a plot to steal a presidential election. Anyone who supports this shit doesn't actually care about the country and democracy
  8. A dud?.... I know you're a low information ignoramus but you're out doing yourself now with this revisionist history. Let's not forget, that for months upon months the right claimed Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 US Presidential elections. The Mueller investigation proved that was true and also showed how corrupt Trump's administration was for having literal foreign agents on his team. Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to co
  9. This isn’t about the Jan 6th insurrection. This is about The fake elector plot by Trump and his associates and them submitting the fake certifications to try to steal an election. Look, I understand it's hard to keep track of all of Trump's corruption... But this isn't a Jan 6th thread
  10. You, @Cooke and @Ramza were just bitching about a fake story from 6 years ago,.......... .... but you want to act like something that ACTUALLY happened Jan 2021 which was just over a year ago... You want to act like that's ancient news. Lmfao Twinblade Lmfao.
  11. Unlike you three clown asses (im including Cooke because having made the tread) , I actually source my information before posting. The information came directly from the court filing. The same court filing that Fox twisted to create the fake narrative for you gullible fools https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/14/us/politics/durham-sussmann-trump-russia.html https://thehill.com/homenews/news/594608-hillary-clinton-on-durham-report-trump-fox-are-desperately-spinning-up-a-fake "Sussmann's conversation with federal authorities had already been report
  12. Actually you can use your phone. I've done this before. To set it up you will need two devices (ane extra phone, PC and a laptop etc) @Cooke first put on the Hotspot on your phone, then connect the 2nd device (phone, PC or laptop) to your phone's Hotspot. Make sure your phone's Hotspot is the only internet connection that 2nd device is using during set up. Set up chrome cast using 2nd device aka connect the chrome to device 2. Once that's set up, the chrome cast is now configured to connect to your phone Hotspot. Connect the chromecast to
  13. Hey retard.. Look at the thread title....and now read the OP.. How stupid are you?
  14. No dip shit, that came straight from the court filing aka the source of the story that fox twisted to fool simpletons like you
  15. Surprise Surprise How Fox News manufactured a Hillary Clinton spying scandal "The “derogatory information” in question did not involve hacking or any other sort of possible criminal activity. It was the product of Joffe’s lawful access to domain name system (DNS) data." "The White House data in question actually predated Trump and was collected during the Obama era (recall that Russians hacked White House systems in 2015 and ‘16, so there were legitimate concerns about Russia infiltrating White House computer systems) — a timeline undercutting the idea that Trump
  16. Bbbbut @ghostzsaid Xbox Series S/X sold 2 to 4 million in two days, and Sony hadn't sold a single console since September and Xbox caught up...... seems he was severely mistaken
  17. Let's look past the fact that his campaign was filled with crooked people as seen in the indictments. Let's not forget You were just recently saying the we should move on from the Trump fake elector scam that he tried to pull to STEAL AN ELECTION just over a year ago even though the story must came out... You somehow haven't caught up with the fox text message stories... Yet somehow 2016...almost 8 years ago you have no problem discussing.. Funny how that works
  18. Slight correction, Nintendo has the Bayonetta 2 and 3 license locked up...not the IP itself. That's why party 1 is on everything, even after Nintendo got on for part 2. Not jumping in this argument by this way... Lol
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