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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Something from the FE developer will be shown for sure.
  2. I'm not Slow Jonny I don't play games on easy mode bro .. Lol
  3. One of the main reasons I have Switch to be honest, those Japanese core gamer games u
  4. The key point your missing is MS current strategy is THE LOSS LEADER by a mile. Nintendo and Sony will dabble in it, so that incase it does take off they can ramp it up quickly.... But they're not following MS to lose billions of dollars when they're currently killing it.
  5. That's what you what to hear but it's not the reality of the situation. Let's be real here... MS went this route because they couldn't cut it in the traditional VG market. For all the billions they spent they still ended up a distant third. They didn't just randomly wake up one day and decided to do gamepass and 3rd party shit out of the goodness of their hearts. They had no choice, something had to be done to try to turn the gaming division around... I mean they're not there as yet... Still years away from seeing the fruits of the plan..
  6. Warzone type of battle royal games is what the casual gamers and shooter gamers in general love. Developers love it too because they get to milk the user base for year with one game. Campaign may not arrive until next gen for Switch. Just my predictions.
  7. COD sells best on PlayStation... Boatloads better than on Xbox. They thought MS spent 70 billion to cut Activision revenues down by over 60%...fucking dumbass lemmings
  8. Activision acquisition doesn't finalize until sometime in 2023. So no they're not the same.
  9. Im only a few hours in. Have been too busy with life shit to dive full into a hardcore RPG like this one. Will circle back to it once I have some serious free time to sink my teeth into it. But from what I've played so far its good. It's not casual in the slightest FYI.
  10. Share holders look at revenue, profits etc. Currently Nintendo's and Sony's models are doing better than MS. Gamepass and MS strategy are the current loss leader, until that starts churning out ridiculous profits you won't see Sony or Nintendo go full on and follow MS. They might add bits and pieces to supplement their current models but not to replace what they're are currently doing anytime soon.
  11. As Ike mentioned mostly all of Activision and Blizzard games are already on Switch... Except for COD. Most like this is for Warzone on Switch.
  12. Triangle strategy may happen on PC in a year or so. SMTV, that depends on what deal Nintendo worked out with Atlus. SMTV was one of the fiest games announced for Switch, might be long term exclusivity.
  13. Maybe but the memo? Lmfao.... Yes there is a difference. And No Eric Adams never supported being soft on crime, his entire platform he ran on was the opposite of that. You would know that if you read beyond a sensationalized headline and actually sourced the information you consume.
  14. Still cant respond to what I actually said huh?... Maybe you should read it a few more times unil you comprehend it.... Or you continue to try smiley yourself out of it
  15. My posts from two months ago up to today show that I have been on point about this from the start.... No topic changes here retard... Keep trying though
  16. Read it again... Slowly until you understand it or keep arguing against a point I need made because you know you have no leg to stand on
  17. Re-read what I said you slow ass motherfucker... god damn your reading comprehension gets worse by the minute
  18. He retard.. Read the thread... Twinblade has been avoiding addressing what Fox did... Its been weeks now..... He claimed he didn't have time a few weeks ago to catch up om the story... Just following up to see if he got around to it..
  19. Sean, Laura and others went on air and claimed to the public and their audience the total opposite of what they told Trump via txt and tried to pass responsibility for the what happened in to groups that they knew had nothing to do with it. But besides that. An affair =/= the propaganda wing of the white house. That's the most stupidest and brain dead false equivalency I've seen from you and bit you've had some stinkers.
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