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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Have you not been paying attention? The RNC just censored two of their own who spoke the truth about Jan 6th. Almost the entire Republican house and Senate openly embraced what happened on Jan 6th. Only a Literal handful of republican politicians have openly spoke out against it and stuck to it. Mitch McConnell was speaking out against the entire RNC and the house of Republicans for supporting that BS narrative that it was just "legitimate polictal discourse"
  2. Your free and open discourse that stared with "Bbbut it doesn't matter if it was true " Lmfao
  3. Your posting an article from more than 6 months, in reference to him supporting a January 2022 memo? How stupid are you? Spoiler alert. Adams did not support Braggs new memo like you claimed you lying sack of shit https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/08/eric-adams-outmaneuvered-district-attorney-00006296 How Eric Adams outmaneuvered Manhattan’s progressive district attorney Adams, the former NYPD captain, argued police officers should resume enforcing quality of life crimes such as graffiti and pushed a tough-on-crime message that
  4. Mitch McConnell is the senate leader for the republicans (right wing) you ignorant dip shit.
  5. Imagine if it was confirmed that they were the Literal propaganda wing of the white house like those Fox txt messages show....interesting how you still haven't followed that story as yet
  6. Tues Feb 8th - Mitch McConnell repudiated that description, saying, “We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was.” You were saying?
  7. Release date is sometime this year... So it release sooner rather than later.. I hope
  8. Silk Song and Shredders revenge shadow drop Resident Evil Rev 3 announcement. They better do it
  9. Speaking of civil conversations that you have been dodging. Have you found where Eric Adam's supported Brags memo like you claimed?.. Have you caught up on the news about the Fox hosts txts with the Whitehouse before, during and right after Jan 6th? With them directly being the propaganda wing for the Whitehouse? What about the fake electors plot to steal the election? Or how about the donors being scammed out of over 75 million with ZERO refunds.... That must have been appalling... Nothing on those things as yet? Damn.. What's t
  10. "We will automatically refund all contributions directly — donors do not need to submit a request. You can expect to see your refund within 7–10 business days." What now?
  11. That's on the Seattle Police department for not requesting the page taken down doofus. Go fund me supported the page for the truckers, released funds to them in January and it would have continued until the police requested the fund to be taken down. So now are you anti police? The police were the ones who DEFUNDED the truckers..... Blue lives matter right? You entire intial post was about people not getting refunds... Which surprise surprise was incorrect. You got curb stomped and then started crying "Bbbbbbut it doesn't matter" .....
  12. Ohh now it doesn't matter..... But two seconds ago it did matter.... What happened bro? What happened to you being appalled by people not getting refunds from a funding campaign, Americans were cheated out of over 75 million... Yet you don't care that they didn't get refunds....hmmm why is that? The police came to gofundme and asked them to shut the fund down. Go fund me didn't randomly close it. GoFundMe said it “supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created.
  13. Initially they said fill out a form and you will get refunds. Whatever funds remained after the refund deadline would be donated to a charity. "All donors may submit a request for a full refund until February 19th, 2022 using this dedicated refund form." See that what happens when you only read headlines and not the actual source You didn't answer the question, how appalled were you when the previous administration created a fundraiser for a fake cause, didn't use the money for the cause, and when people requested refunds because they realized the
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