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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Reading is essential "We will automatically refund all contributions directly — donors do not need to submit a request. You can expect to see your refund within 7–10 business days." I didn't know you found donations not being refunded as so appalling... What ever happened to all the donations for" stop the steal" huh?...... Oh yea the campaign took the millions of dollars and ran with it.... No one got a single penny back.... How appalled were you?
  2. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    I said no such thing of the sort you disingenuous clown. You got exactly what I said. You can spin it how ever you want to make yourself feel better. Sony has you dumbass hermits purchasing PS5s and double dipping on PC. They're milking the shit out of you clowns. Hence no need for Day 1 exclusives with PCs because hermits are already buying the game ....TWICE
  3. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    But guess who still purchases consoles to play those exclusives on consoles? The PC market. Then they double dip when said game gets ported to PC years later. Hence why Sony's strategy is working so well because they're milking the hermits who own consoles to purchase the same game twice.. Dumbass hermits You walked right into that trap.. Thanks for playing
  4. Switch has a 98 million active user base out of 103.5 million Almost 800 million games sold. Switch will hit over a billion games sold when it's all said and done.
  5. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Hey retard, no that's not what im saying. No one is talking about the fanboy market or jumping ship. The majority of console owners are regular people, mass market consumers. Mass market consumers aren't building PC rigs, you can forget that pipe dream. Fanboys account for a small portion of any userbase. A killer must have exclusive drives console sales like no other. Lemmings won't know about these things.. So I understand your confusion
  6. Remember when lemmings said PS5 couldn't do ray tracing... Dumb fucking lemmings
  7. It's a chart for the 100 million selling consoles, Xbox doesn't make the cut
  8. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    That's your beggar gene talking. The hardware sales they generate from an exclusive locks the user into the PlayStation ecosystem and that hardware sale generates more revenue over time as the user pays for PSN, PSN+ buys more games over time etc. The sales of the game Day 1 on PC won't offset that revenue.
  9. Surpassed Wii and PS1 in total sales. And is on track to surpass PS4 in total sales this year @lynux3 Launched aligned its the 2nd fasting selling system of all time, only behind the DS.
  10. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Good, remember that and stop conflating what other people say with me.... With that said... You're going wait an entire gen to only be wrong
  11. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Who is you guys? Stop trying to conflate what others say with what I said Sony already laid out the long term plan for PC and PS5 for this gen. Day 1 tent pole exclusives on PS5 that are ported to PC later and now live service games that will be on every system.
  12. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Awww you want to twist it outside the scope of Day 1 EXCLUSIVE content...which was always the conversation... How cute.
  13. I see your point, but as the Judges who are sentencing these clowns are saying... The labeling and the punishment must both stick... To set a precedent so that people know this type of behavior comes with actual consequences. The judge said you can't storm the capitol and attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power and then expect to go home and relax and watch Netflix... This act comes with a consequence which includes the label of insurrectionist.
  14. Goukosan

    Uh oh pt. 2

    That's no different from what I said.. Reading is essential Nice try though
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