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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Those games do exist dipshit.... You asked which upcoming 3rd party games are exclusive
  2. Link? Bbbbbbut Ramza and Cooke said Teh Russia would crush Ukraine in a few days
  3. They could potentially show ones we know about... Death stranding 2 FFVII rebirth Silent hill 2 Or add new ones to the list
  4. The main two antagonists were good characters.... Everything else was mid
  5. Yea that too.... But if Starfield was a banger.. It could have pushed Xbox sales for a month or two and be the start of the resurgence. MS dropped the ball from the start of the gen when Halo missed launch and then it was trash when it released a year later.
  6. Started making more via micro-transactions =/= selling more copies. AAA console game on phones will not be selling anywhere close to free to play games or mobile priced games.
  7. Minecraft sells more on PC. Minecraft also costs 6.99 which is a very mobile friendly price. AAA console games don't cost 6.99, they're not mobile friendly priced. And you're confusing money made off micro transactions with sales of a game.
  8. That's cute, nice little bump that's already dropped to 46% week 2. It's already trending downwards. By week 3 and 4 it will be down 20 something and then flat. If Starfield had delivered on its promise of being a certified Banger it could have turned things around for Xbox.
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