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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. How stupid are you? Seriously? Because over 90% of their population vaccinated so they will not have severe symptoms and therefore won't need to be sent to the ICU or die. That's the fucking point of the covid vaccines you dense ox. "No surge in Omicron ICU cases, says health chief Paul Kelly" while cases are skyrocketing, hospitalisations have not seen a surge. “Hospitalisations, ICU and ventilation rates in Australia, they’re extremely low compared with what we were ­seeing with Delta and in the pre-vaccination era, with other v
  2. Sony's Market value is recovering, im surprised Vini didn't provide an update
  3. Speaking of easily manipulated, you're so intellectually lazy you don't take the 2 seconds needed to verify information and instead you let fox news and Co feed you misinformation that you swallow without question. "according to data collected by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), about 43.2% of Americans who voted in the 2018 election did so outside of the traditional Election Day context, either casting a ballot at an early in-person polling place or by mail" For the 2018 midterms only 56.8% of people voted in person on election day and 43.2% voted by mail or
  4. Not when it comes to vaccines whose main purpose is to keep you alive doofus. Do gear what your argument about vaccine's working has devolved too? There's more to it than keeping you alive? You were trying to claim that Australia's strategy or getting over 90% vaxxed and Lockdowns didn't work... When in fact ot did because their death rate and hospitalization extremely low because almost EVERYONE IS VAXXED. And that's the point your dumbass doesn't get.
  5. Hey doofus, what's the death rate and the hospitalization rate? Can't believe we're two years into this thing, more than a year past vaccines being available and you still don't understand the purpose of the covid vaccine.
  6. How can you say this with a straight face when the text messages from the fox hosts cleary show they were LITERALLY THE PROPAGANDA WING of the Trump administration. Oh yea... I forgot... You "haven't heard" about the text messages as yet right?
  7. That 30 million BS number was over 6 months ago. What he gave out today is much more than a bit down.
  8. Im glad he is finally speaking publicly about the positives of the vaccine. The virus shouldn't b political. Last summer when all the living past presidents and the current president was pushing the vaccine.... Trump refused to join them is the vaccine push..because he didn't want to help Biden politically. I'm glad he got past that for whatever reason.... Ok lets not kid ourselves... He is doing it for political gain against his biggest rival for the GOP nomination.. Ron DeSantis. But I digress.. Its good that he is now spreading a pro vaccine narrative
  9. I'm not conflating anything, you just didn't read my post. Here's is what I said - "From your own non peer reviewed particle it says that Vaccine effectiveness against Delta is 93%, against omicron it drops all the way to 37%. This is a measure of actually catching it." No conflating. There is no need to measure it against unvaxxed catching it because if you're unvaxxed you will catch Covid.. No if an or buts about it. Your body will attempt to fight it off, either it does and you recover or it doesn't well enough and you die. The MR
  10. You mean you just learned what it was after 2 years of you not getting what a preprint means
  11. Results - We included 3,442 Omicron-positive cases, 9,201 Delta-positive cases, and 471,545 test-negative controls. After 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine effectiveness against Delta infection declined steadily over time but recovered to 93% (95%CI, 92-94%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose. In contrast, receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines was not protective against Omicron. Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron was 37% (95%CI, 19-50%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose. From your own non peer reviewed particle i
  12. Oh Cooke - "This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice." Its funny that you cherry pick which non peer-reviewed research to believe. Not only that, How come you never circle back and update us when your non peer reviewed research gets peer reviewed...... I wonder why? Lol
  13. This is actually fake news. Post the source of this information
  14. XBOX by Dec has sold less than PS5 had sold by Sept... Stop the lemming delusions.
  15. Nah you didn't skim shit, you Googled, read a headline and posted it without actually reading anything past the headline. I actually skimmed it, as soon as you open the link to the paper it has a summary that tells you what it is about. Took me less than a minute to read that. Like I said, do better.
  16. Did you actually read the study? The study says nothing about fully vaccinated people catching Covid19 faster than unvaxxed. The study is about vaccine's effectiveness against Delta Vs Omicron. It's comparing vaccinated people against themselves... Those with the booster vs those without the booster. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.20.21267966v3.full-text By December 12, 2021, there were 5,767 identified Omicron cases in Denmark with a median age of 28 years (93% <60 years). Among those who had most recently completed primary vaccinati
  17. The highlighted part of your post is absolute rubbish. The MRNA shots have no traces of Covid in them, so it would not reduce your natural immunity because it's not introducing covid into your body. I think what you don't understand is the vaccine is not creating the antibodies... Its your own natural immunity that creates it even when you're vaccinated. The vaccine jumps starts your immune system to create the antibodies before you get infected, so that when you do get infected your body already knows how to fight it off and quickly. If you already had covid.. It bo
  18. Natural immunity alone is better than the three shots? 😐 Tell that to the over 5.5 million and counting people that have died worldwide from covid 19 since the pandemic started. The purpose of the Covid19 vaccine is to reduce the severity symptoms, reduce the probability of you being sent to the ICU and reduce the possibility of you dying from Covid19. The more people that are vaxxed the the better because that raises everyone's chances or surviving if they do catch it. Obviously not everyone who is unvaxxed and gets Covid-19 will die, but why take that risk? You do
  19. You got caught lying you scummy bastard, don't try to spin out out of it. You lied about the actual numbers and the expected numbers As I told you from the start, your reading comprehension is as terrible as always. Go re read my post on the first page slowly and as many times as you need until you realize you fucked up. Twinblade started caring Jan 2021 and once the numbers improved throughout the year... He stopped caring...as in Improved relative to when he started caring doofus. What the numbers were in Dec etc didn't matter because Twinblade di
  20. Some states require different vaccines but in general you have to be vaccinated as a nurse working directly patients for obvious reasons.
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